The Easy Way to Train for a Race

24th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Everyone has seen 5k runners take over the streets of a nearby town. They run past in a wave of arms and legs, custom wristbands, numbers, and cancer bracelets. their causes range from diseases to political issues. A 5k race is no joke for those of us sitting at home. This article provides some simple training tips to prepare for a 5k race.

Although the task of preparing your body and mind for a 5k run can seem daunting, there are some relatively simple steps you can follow to make sure your preparation is as painless as possible. Many times people give up on a running program because they start too quickly. If you run as fast as you can as far as you can the first time you start to train, your body will reject it, you will be in pain, and you will probably give up. Training or torture. You choose.

Easing yourself slowly into a running routine is the best way to allow your body and mind to adjust to running for long distances. Start out doing more walking than running, so it shouldn’t be too stressful at all. If you are walking and you feel like you can do more, try not to get too impatient, just stick to the plan of walking then running a bit, increasing the time you are running little by little. If you don’t increase slowly and steadily, you won’t get the results you want. If you want to, just slow down and spread out your running and walking times.

All you have to do is run just 20 to 30 minutes for 3 times a week. This moderate exercise is recommended by most doctors. You’ll get into shape without too much work. Spacing out your running throughout the week is important. Your body needs a chance to recover. Start with walking, gradually build up running will gradually increase your fitness and bone strength. On off days you can walk or just rest. Walking can loosen some of your tight muscles after a hard exercise the day before, and can help you stay in better shape between workouts.

You can measure yourself by the distance or the time you run. Even if there isn’t a track close to you just estimate the distance. Being exact is not as important as increasing gradually. Be sure to jog or walk at a brisk pace to warm up before each exercise session. Stay hydrated as well. Eat properly to help your overall fitness. Following these general tips can get you from the couch to the finish line, and can make you feel better as a whole.

Posted on: June 24, 2009

Filed under: Fitness

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