The EFT Abundance Solution: Four Tips for Transforming Your Life

21st March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A fulfilling and abundant living–these are a pair of the topmost things we wish for ourselves and those we love. The key to attracting abundance with EFT is taking initiative and getting the Law of Attraction to work for you. This EFT abundance blueprint holds the key.

To begin, what is EFT?

The Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT, involves tapping on particular points on the face and upper body to unblock negative feelings. These are the feelings–such as helplessness, fear, phobias, sadness, among others–that stop you from reaching your dreams.

Lots of people describe EFT tapping as a modern miracle, because effects can be practically immediate. This technique is quick to master, and almost anyone can master the steps. And when you know the way to do it, creating results using the EFT abundance formula typically only takes about fifteen minutes a day.

The EFT Abundance Solution

1. Consider what you truly desire in life. Ask yourself this question: “If you didn’t have any restrictions of time, location, or financial resources, where would you want to be, how would you spend your time, and what things would you choose to have?”

Every person has a reason for existing, and something to offer to the world. Here is the secret to discovering what this reason for being is: follow your heart. It is the seat of your true desires. Think about all the things that feel most exciting and joyful in your heart and write them down in your journal.

2. Understand what money means in your mind. We all have unique concepts of the significance of money–happiness, stability, power, safety, relaxation, among others. Ask yourself: “If you want more, what does it represent to you?”

You may not need any money to achieve several of these things. With concerns like feeling insecure or wanting to feel more relaxed, you may perhaps just need to free yourself of emotional blocks using EFT tapping. The truth is, more money won’t solve many of these challenges. Clearing them is an important aspect of the EFT Abundance Formula.

3. Think positively! This is how attracting abundance with EFT puts the Law of Attraction in motion in your life. Fill yourself with positive energy, be it with your thoughts or emotions.

Be deliberate in interjecting these positive thoughts into your day. Remember, if you picture negative possibilities, you will attract much more of the same. Yet if you occupy your mind with positive ideas, you’ll attract more positive things to you.

Negative thoughts and doubts about money hinder abundance. You can use EFT on a regular basis to remove blockages, like thoughts of lacking money or worries of losing the money you currently possess.

4. Remind yourself what you wish throughout the day. To stay focused, put notes in areas where you will notice them frequently, like the refrigerator door, the mirror in your bathroom, and your office desk.

Using this EFT Abundance Formula, you have the power to turn your life around. You hold the key to success.

Click on this link to find out more about the Emotional Freedom Techniques and how you can access more on EFT to change your life.

Also access a downloadable version of the classic resource on the Law of Attraction and abundance, the Science of Getting Rich PDF, for immediate access.

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