Looking For A Natural Sugar Alternate For Diabetics?

21st March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Sugar, as most people know, originates either from sugar cane or sugar beet. Sucrose extorted from cane sugar is a disaccharide and carbohydrate, stored by plants as a reserve energy supply to be utilized when required. Humans cannot promptly make use of sucrose, and it is metabolized in the body to glucose which requires the hormone insulin to help convert it into energy. Insulin is produced in the pancreas, and a lack of it, or the body’s malfunction to make use of it adequately, is referred to as diabetes.

Searching for a natural sugar substitute?

It’s not easy to think about giving up sugary stuff. If you desire to keep away from sugar or sugar free there are varieties of choices. With the upsurge of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity; sugar free foods became even more prevalent. Sugar alternatives are a low or zero calorie replacement for sugar, which is high in calories. They help to manage the number of calories you intake daily.

Erythritol is a naturally-derived sugar substitute that appears and tastes very much like sugar, yet has no calories. Erythritol doesn’t bring about digestive upset and diarrhea that other sugar alcohols like sorbitol and xylitol are known to cause. 90 percent of erythritol is absorbed in the small intestine as it is a smaller molecule and for the most part excreted unchanged in urine.

Stevia is other admired substitute made use of on behalf of sugar. It has been confirmed to be useful for the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria, in the body. Fructose is a natural low-glycemic sugar that is extorted from fruits and made available in granulated form. It is best made use of for the purpose of baking. Luo Han Guo is a sweet Chinese fruit of which extracts are sold as a natural sweetener.

Xylitol had been previously employed in Germany as a sweetener in the late nineteenth century. It is seen in some fruits and vegetables and also in corn cobs. It does not cause dental cavities due to the acid caused by bacterial attack on the sugar. Yacon Syrup prepared from the roots of the Yacon plant is very sweet and has no glycemic index.

So, which of these natural sugar replacements should you take? These sweeteners are present in different products at your local or internet health food store. The decision is yours. The best you select will help you to maintain a fit body with out any ailment.

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