Medical Examinations As A Condition Of A Job Offer Can Be A Drag To Many, But They Exist To Safeguard You And Your Colleagues Just As Much As They Are There To Protect Your Prospective Employer

20th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Amongst the countless jobs available nowadays, there are plenty which count on the employee undergoing a medical examination in order to make sure that their level of health is good enough to do the job properly. That stop those with health issues from getting a job, but instead guarantees that they won’t be offered a job where their problem could be compounded by the situation where they are occupied. Medical screening can be an extremely constructive way of making sure that applicants with chronic illnesses or disabilities are not treated unfairly when it comes to the workplace.

Obviously there are some occupations which do ask for particular physical abilities, although in recent times a lot of organisations which used to have restrictions have recognised that they were refusing to offer employment to potentially high calibre staff basically as a result of their height or build. The Police Force is a perfect example of this having for decades insisted on a minimum height for new applicants. This restriction was lifted a few years back and recruitment is now much more focused on applicants who merely have reasonably good health and who are mentally suited to do the job.

However, there are a number of jobs where certain parts of the body do have to be in the best of health. It would be a risk to rely on a train driver who couldn’t see beyond the end of his nose. But today, he could be considered for the job if he was happy to wear spectacles or contact lenses, or to submit to Laser eye surgery to enhance his vision. In the same way, it would be awkward for a person who is hard of hearing to carry out a telephone based job, but using a hearing aid may well make a massive difference to them being employed for the job, and there are also some surgical procedures for improving hearing, depending on the cause of the complaint.

Having good quality hearing or vision can be critical in so many areas of a job. It is much easier to deal with a situation and to think about what to do if your ears have heard correctly as the events unfold, and your eyes have seen things exactly and in good focus. If for no other reason, it is worth seeking advice if you believe that your hearing or vision is beginning to deteriorate. There are still some people who insist that they don’t have a problem when it is apparent to everyone around them that they can no longer hear or see properly. And if this lessens their ability to do their job then it can become a major problem as other people are also involved.

Nobody should feel bad about getting their eyes or ears checked for anything that might be wrong! Where the eyes are concerned, there are so many ways of treating the most common problems, including the aforementioned glasses, lenses and Laser eye treatments. And although Laser eye surgery can be expensive, it is worth researching it as an option, especially if you work in an environment where wearing glasses or lenses could be inconvenient.

And when considering the ears, many people who suffer a minor loss of hearing often need their ears syringing to clear them. For more permanent issues, hearing aids work well and after recent technological advances are increasingly almost invisible to other people. So don’t prevaricate about having a hearing test or eye test, and if problems are identified then investigate your options. From hearing aids to implants, reading glasses to Laser eye treatment, there will be something that can help you.

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