Could Toning Footwear Cause Problems For Their Wearers?

20th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Toning shoes have grown immensely in popularity during the last two years. Sales of toning shoes in 2008 were a mere $ 17 million. 2010 sales are predicted to be between $ 1 billion and $ 1.5 billion. The top ten best sellers athletic shoe list includes 6 pairs of toning shoes – 2 Reebok Easy Tones and 4 Skechers Shape Ups.

It’s not too difficult to see why. The prospect of getting a free lower body workout, toning your legs, trimming down your bottom, banishing cellulite and generally getting in better shape, just by wearing a different pair of shoes is a tantalising one. However, recent events may be giving some potential customers pause for thought, and possibly even making them wonder if wearing toning shoes is safe.

A 48 year old Ohio woman is suing Skechers, claiming that use of their Shape Up Shoes caused her injury. It’s anything but an open and shut case – it seems that prolonged use was involved. Nevertheless, there has been a lot of publicity and there is even a special website which has been set up by injury lawyers ready to “assist” anyone who wishes to sue certain shoe companies.

The facts of the matter are clear: As with any other item of exercise equipment, toning shoes should be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Improper use, or over use could lead to injury – as is the case with virtually any form of physical exercise. For example, even without toning shoes, running, jogging or taking part in any sporting activity to excess, can result in sprains, strains and repetitive type injuries.

However, assuming that you don’t have any pre-existing medical problems, then as long as you pay close attention to the manufacturer’s instructions and don’t try to do anything that your body can’t achieve, then toning shoes, used together with a walking exercise program, will offer you a low injury risk, low impact method of exercising and getting in better shape. Take some sensible precautions, do a little homework and toning shoes will be not only safe to wear and use, but will be a positive benefit for you.

Choose the right kind of toning footwear. There are plenty of different styles and brands to choose from. The large majority of these are specifically designed for walking – but some styles designed for running or jogging are also available. Choose the type most suited to your intended form of use. If you choose toning shoes which are designed for walking, then don’t wear them for jogging, running or playing sports in.

The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) seal of acceptance is a good sign. There are a variety of different toning shoes which have been evaluated by the APMA – Reebok EasyTones and FitFlops for example – and which have received the APMA seal of acceptance to indicate that they are “foot friendly”.

After you’ve picked the right toning shoes for you, don’t forget to break them in and let your body get used to them. Wear them for short periods only until you become accustomed to them. Ensure that they are a good fit and, even if they feel slightly strange at first, they should not modify your walking gait to the point where you feel unstable. Study the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and follow them to the letter.

Although walking is, as previously mentioned, a low injury risk, low impact form of exercise, you should still stretch before your walking workout. Start out gently and finish with a gentle, cool down period.

Finally, if you suffer from any medical conditions (and even if you don’t), it’s always a good idea to seek medical advice before you embark upon any new exercise routine. There may be a variety of toning shoe styles and brands, but they all work on the basis of introducing a small degree of imbalance into the walking process. If you have any problems with balance then toning shoes may not be a wise choice for you.

However, for the vast majority of people, toning shoes, combined with a low impact walking exercise regime, will be something which is not only safe, but very beneficial. Do not think that toning shoes are some kind of magic pill – consider them to be a helpful addition which can enhance the effectiveness of your exercise routine. Be sensible and you’ll be able to get into better shape as well as getting a whole host of other health benefits into the bargain.

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