So Many People Are Drawn To Celebrity Style And Fashions And Try To Look As Good As Their Idols, But Appearing To Be Perfect Constantly Is More Determined By Your Bank Balance Than Your Body

16th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The obsession with ‘celebrity’ has done much to undermine the self esteem of some youngsters who perceive the airbrushed pictures they see in magazines as the look to wish for. Sadly, most of those looking at the pictures are unaware that there are other influences involved in creating these unattainable looks.

So how come a celebrity looks as good as she does? I accept that it isn’t always women who are such damaging role models, but most are, and it’s most likely to be a young female with a negative opinion of her own body who is envying them.

In the first place, the photo itself has most likely been tampered with with photo manipulation software. That spot which was on the end of her nose? Gone. That shadow under the chin? Vanished. It’s very simple – I do it myself in photos I take when I go out with friends!

Even if the photo hasn’t been edited, or if you happen to bump into a celebrity in the street, the majority of those who are regarded so highly very probably have a personal trainer putting them through their paces every day to ensure that they stay in shape. They probably have a member of staff who makes sure they just eat things that are good for them (these folk don’t have to do the hurried microwaved ready meal between travelling home from work and starting on the washing!). They naturally have a person working for them who ensures that their skincare and hair care is the best on the market, and their personal stylist will check that every item of clothing they wear will make them look good. In all honesty, if you can afford to pay for it, you can always look good.

Obviously, there are also other things you can do to embellish your looks if money isn’t an issue. You don’t need the fake tan – just spend a lot of time somewhere exotic keeping the real tan up to scratch (one of your people will doubtless tell you when you need a break from the sun’s rays and guide you to the sauna for a nice lazy detox session). You don’t need to wear glasses – just pay for expensive Laser eye surgery to correct any eye defect. Anyway, you’re perfect – you don’t admit to defects! And if you’re one of those celebrities who works hard to look a bit edgy, there are even Laser eye treatments which can tattoo your eye, making you look either very stylish or quite stupid depending on the attitude of your fans!

The problem is, it’s all so phoney! In all likelihood these celebrities have generally starved themselves into their Size Zero designer garb, and the most minor misjudgement relating to any part of their image will have the paparazzihighly excited and a whole pile of women’s magazine will publish photos of them highlighting their cellulite, spotty chin, extra kilos round the stomach and the spinach stuck between their teeth. And who needs that?!

It is far better to be proud of the person YOU are. Yes, of course look after yourself – that’s just common sense. But if you happen to be only five feet tall there is no surgery or training or diet in the world that can give you the same proportions as a supermodel! If you happen to be naturally pale, don’t risk skin cancer trying to get a tan. Even if you don’t have serious health problems because of excessive exposure to the sun, it can still affect your skin dramatically anyway.

Don’t be vain about wearing glasses – they’re a lot cheaper than Laser eye surgery, and in these days of designer frames (celebrity obsession again!), they can actually enrich your looks. I have a couple of musician buddies who are judged to be very good looking men and if occasionally they wear their glasses as an alternative to their contact lenses, they usually have female fans (and quite a few of the men as well!) commenting in very positive terms. I don’t suppose they will be rushing to pay for Laser eye treatment at any point!

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