What Happened When I Found Out I Had Hypothyroidism

11th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It did not seem like a big deal at first. There were changes in my body that did not seem to be normal. I chalked some of it up to the fact that I was getting older. I found it difficult to chalk up everything that I was feeling to the fact that my body was hitting middle age.

I did some research on the computer and went to a medical website that allowed me to put in the symptoms that I had including recent weight loss, sluggishness, fatigue, I was anxious and irritable, my hands ached and my skin was dry and the website told me that these were the symptoms of low thyroid condition and it also explained why I was feeling more depressed about things I did not understand. I discovered that a thyroid produces many hormones that control a person’s metabolism and if there are not enough hormones produced a person has hypothyroidism. An overactive thyroid is because of an over production of the chemicals.

According to my research, I needed to do a few things. I could not hope it would disappear over time. The good news is that it is treatable, and the bad news is that it does not go away so it would be something that I would be dealing with for a long time and it was not a simple solution of taking a few low thyroid diet pills but would require me to make some changes in my lifestyle to compensate for the problems that an under active thyroid cause on a person’s body, but the lifestyle changes were doable and I decided to find out exactly what I would need to do.

All of my research told me to check with a health professional. The doctor took my history and was also concerned that I might have an under active tyroid. To find out conclusively if this was correct I would have to get some blood work done. He made the arrangements and I went and was tested. The tests confirmed the suspicions that I had. I had hypothyroidism. After the confirmation came the discussion of what to do about it.

Getting onto a regimen of pills was the beginning of my treatment. The problem with medication is that it would take a while to find the right combination. There was no one answer for all people. I was assured that we would eventually find the right dosage for me. But taking medicine was not enough for me. Besides taking pills there were ways for me to help the thyroid that I had seen when I was trying to find out what was wrong with me. I decided that I could get additional information to help me.

I learned many fascinating facts about how the thyroid works. There were certain foods that I could add to my diet that would help my thyroid. There was also food that could suppress the thyroid that I need to avoid. A healthy diet would not only help my thyroid, but it would help the rest of my body as well. The gland also will be aided by a person who follows a fitness regimen too. By getting physically active I was healthier than before. The last thing I needed to do was to relax a little more. Worrying is rarely good for a person to do and it affects many different things.

When I began my healthier regimen I started a diary. The use of this allowed my doctor to make adjustments to my medicine a lot faster. I found that this type of lifestyle was actually very enjoyable to do. In the end, I was healthier than when I started.

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