Why I Decided to Buy An Acai Berry Free Offer

15th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Every time you get on the internet and search for something, you see ads for acai berries. Not only that, it’s in my magazines and it’s even in my V8 juice! It’s everywhere! I’m not one to try free offers (mainly because I never remember to cancel them and then I get charged later for a membership I’ve joined – darn that fine print that I always forget to read). I decided to give it a try this time so I ordered my free offer of acai berry juice a day or so ago. It hasn’t gotten to me yet, but here is why I decided to try it.

The acai berry is just plain good for you. It really was that simple to decide if I should get it. I’m a busy mom and I don’t always take care of myself like I should. I do exercise and take a multi vitamin, but I’m tired and I’m stressed out and I feel like I need something else. If all the claims out there are true (which I’m sure they are not) I will lose a little weight (10 pounds would make me happy), slow the aging process (awesome), have a healthy heart and reduce my risk of cancer (who wouldn’t want that), and have a little extra energy (yes please!). Even if these claims aren’t true I can still benefit from the added antioxidants that I wouldn’t otherwise be getting. I will be getting extra omegas and some extra protein and fiber. And, as long as I don’t forget to cancel my membership if I don’t like it, it’s free. So I really can’t lose.

If you want to know more, here are the offers I looked at and what I chose and why. I am sure they are all pretty much the same, but it came down to little things when I chose.

The first offer I saw was Acai Burn Xtreme for Men because my husband had it up. While this is one of the best weight loss supplements featuring acai berries, I didn’t want to order something targeted at men.

The next offer I saw was for Acai Berry Blast. This was an offer that shipped to about 30 different countries, but none of them were the US. There is an offer for the US too, but I wanted to keep looking.

Acai Burn was the last supplement I looked at and was the one I chose. This was very similar to the Acai Burn Xtreme site I saw first, but it was targeted at women. I chose this one because it really seemed to want to educate you and help you lose weight.

While I was looking, I came across some international offers so if you live in the UK or Canada, you should check out the acai berry UK page or the acai berry Canada page for some great deals.

For the record, I am not a doctor, has never played one on TV, and didn’t even sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. This article is based solely on personal experiences and/or research. It is to be used for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. You should consult a doctor for any diagnoses or treatments you need.

Posted on: June 15, 2009

Filed under: Nutrition

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