Jump-Start Your Weight Loss With a Detox Program. Interesting Points to Be Aware of

14th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In recent years detoxifying the colon has been gaining popularity in the natural health community. Proponents say that benefits of the therapy include weight loss, better health and potential for increasing our life span. Is detoxification necessary for our bodies or is it is hype and potentially harmful? Who can you believe and should you include a detox therapy in your weight loss plan?

Let’s first take a look at the pros of doing a detox plan, or cleanse. Ryan Harrison, M.A., of Natural Healing Today Magazine, states: “The human body is an amazing thing. In its healthiest state it has the ability to keep itself clean and relatively poison-free.” Harrison’s statement makes the assumption that we are in a perfect world.

Now let’s balance this statement with a few facts about our environment today:

• Over 20% of Americans live in areas that exceed smog standards

• Most drinking water contains over 700 chemicals

• Over 3,000 chemicals are regularly added to our food

• 3 out of 5 Americans will have at least one parasite during their lifetime

So is periodic detoxification important? Harrison and many other experts conclude that in today’s environment, we are exposed to more chemicals and pollutants than our bodies can process, and that most of us will need to support our colons periodically through some type of detox program. Further, I calculated that we digest over 82,000 meals during an average life span of 72 years! With this amount of digestion complicated by environmental pollutants you have to wonder, what’s the ultimate outcome of this lifestyle? Experts agree that poor colon health can compromise our immune systems, and potentially reduce our life span.

Health benefits aside, is a cleansing program going to help you lose weight? Health and wellness publishers, including. Other experts agree that colon cleansing can provide gentle and effective methods that restore the intestinal health and at the same time facilitate weight loss. It has been estimated that we carry as few as 5 extra pounds and as many as 25 extra pounds of extra weight in our colons. So as for weight loss, depending on how long you cleanse, products advertise that you will lose from 5 to 25 lbs.

Now let’s take a look at the possible downside of detox programs. Since the use of detoxing hasn’t been studied long enough, there isn’t any substantial scientific proof that it works. Most of the argument against cleansing warns us that it is not a silver bullet to our weight loss and health concerns. Another concern is that when using such a regimen people will overlook annual health screenings. I agree, in that I am a proponent of regular health screenings. I also agree that detoxifying is not a silver bullet. While it may remove excess matter from the colon, it does not specifically remove fat. Therefore, you want to use such products in conjunction with a following a healthy weight loss program aimed at fat loss and muscle retention.

If you decide to try a detox program, you will notice the wide variety out there today. Make sure you purchase a quality product, which has solid customer testimonials, and that is was developed by a qualified professional. Following a healthy diet and a using a quality detox product could give you that jump-start toward reaching your weight loss goals today!

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Kathy is a writer, entrepreneur and wellness researcher, and holds a Certificate in Holistic Wellness Coaching. She has over 15 years of experience in management, and over 10 years in coaching personal and professional development success strategies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Shute

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Posted on: June 14, 2009

Filed under: Cleansing & Detox

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