Laser Surgery Might Be One Of The More Modern Inventions of Medical Science But It Has A Large Number Of Applications And The List Of Laser Treatments Continues To Expand

25th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are numerous kinds of surgery available to treat every area of the body, but one of the more recent additions to the list is laser surgery. The majority of people have most likely heard of it, but far less may know that there are a number of different types of laser surgery in use.

There are three basic types of laser surgery, and the biggest difference between them is that they employ different kinds of laser, which is possibly an obvious comment when reviewing the various places in the human body where they can be utilised. The huge advantage of using a laser rather than a scalpel is that there is no actual contact with the body so there is only minimal risk of infection, on top of which the patient is likely to recover more quickly too.

Hard Tissue Laser Surgery is used – as the name might suggest – on things such as bones, and more often, teeth. Dental uses can include early warning of tooth decay, preparation work for fillings and treatment for temperature sensitive teeth. One of the good things about using lasers for these procedures is that they also kill any bacteria in the tooth which is being treated, so also reducing the likelihood of the patient facing further problems.

The second kind of surgery is Soft Tissue Laser Surgery. This, as the name suggests, is used on softer parts of the body. It is used in Dentistry for treating the gums, but has countless other applications also. These include treatments for the brain, spine and nervous system, for ears, nose and throat, for the head, neck and face, and for many areas of the torso.

The third type of surgery is probably the one which people know the most about – Laser eye surgery. There are several different Laser eye treatments which can be used to improve the sight of the patient. Whilst not all eye conditions can be treated by Laser eye surgery, new advances are being sought in this field and there is every chance that in the future there will be more Laser eye treatments developed, as indeed might well occur for other parts of the body also.

There are, of course, other sorts of laser treatment available for some body parts, but usually most surgical uses of lasers fall into the three categories described above.

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