Meat: Fantastic or Remarkable?

10th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Let’s be honest, meat is the best food in the world. Delicious and scrumptious, most of the world loves some good meat. One of the beauties of the food is the diversity of it. There is an almost unending menagerie of meats that people can pick. There is underwater meat such as shark, tuna or turtle. Then there is steak, which also comes in many types. Two excellent choices of steak types are porterhouse and filet mignon. Other than that there is chicken, which also comes in many varieties. Finally, possibly the most popular kind of meat, while not an animal, is the burger. Burgers of course come from cows like steaks do but are generally served differently.

One o especially tasty kind of meat in America is seafood. While some don’t consider fish to be meat, as it is eaten by certain vegetarians, since it is the flesh of another animal most people do recognize it as a meat product. Some of the most popular fish in the country are salmon, swordfish, and tuna. These three fish have very dissimilar tastes. Salmon is both renowned and denounced because of its “fishy” taste. While that might not make sense to an herbivore, an experienced meat eater will get the idea. The others however do not taste like the standard fish and taste like any number of assorted animals that could be found on land.

Another heavily in demand type of meat is chicken. Like with fish, chicken comes in many different styles . One popular way to prepare chicken is by frying it. This is what is seen all across the country at most fast food restaurants. Probably second on the list of favorite cooking techniques would be barbecue. Barbecuing is a big time tradition in the South and many states like Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia each believe they have the best barbeque. The world will certainly never figure out which state really is the greatest, to the dismay of people worldwide of course.

Finally, greatest and most incredible type of meat in America, and possibly the world, is probably from a cow. Hamburgers are a stand by all over the globe. Almost everybody loves a good burger. While hamburger is perhaps a bad name, since the meat isn’t ham, that hasn’t stopped it from becoming the most beloved meat certainly this side of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Burger toppings are extremely important, as they can make or break the taste of the burger. Many people prefer cheese, while others have a hankering for only veggies on their burger. In the sub category of cheese one can usually choose from American, pepper jack, or sometimes others like cheddar or Swiss. For the proverbial cherry to top the sundae a lot of people go for some mayonnaise or ketchup.

Many people enjoy non vegetarian meals. Meat is delicious and what many people don’t realize is that it can go hand in hand with a healthy diet. So, put down the tofu and stop munching on just carrots and celery. Get yourself some meat in there, don’t be afraid of a little protein.

Posted on: June 10, 2009

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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