Quick Weight Loss Tips For Using Elliptical Machines. Useful Information to Remember

9th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For the majority of fitness enthusiasts who use elliptical machines, they just see the equipment as another means of being able to perform cardiovascular exercise. What they don’t realise is the huge potential that ellipticals have for quick weight loss. These machines can have you shedding up to 14lbs in just one month if used correctly along with a good workout plan.

1. The first of my quick weight loss tips for using elliptical machines.

Most elliptical machines on the market which you may use at home or in the gym have dual action foot pedals and handle bars. It is very important that you make use of this, using both arms and legs during your workout. This means the entire body is being used and the heart has to pump faster which ultimately optimises your calorie burn for shedding fat.

2. The second of my quick weight loss tips for using elliptical machines.

Not only should you be performing total body workouts but if you are fortunate to be using elliptical machines with reverse motion, by all means use it. Reverse motion allows you to target muscles that you would not normally use in forward motion. As you are not used to using these muscles you may struggle at first but with the more muscles you are working, the more calories you will burn during a workout.

3. The third of my quick weight loss tips for using elliptical machines.

Just like with running, there are different forms of training that can be performed on elliptical machines to boost calorie burn and weight loss. Interval training has been proven to be a very effective method. . By alternating moderate with high intensity bursts at intervals of 1-2 minutes, you are not only mixing up the workout but your body is also burning stored fat to supply the heart with more energy.

4. The fourth of my quick weight loss tips for using elliptical machines.

Make use of power inclines and resistance settings. Many new elliptical machines come with power inclines. This feature allows you to work the backs of your legs but just like with walking up hills or even up stairs, this is an exercise that will have the body working overtime to burn calories. The greater the resistance the harder the body has to work. Which is why even if you are working at no incline, a higher resistance setting will effectively burn more fat.

I think it is clear from my quick weight loss tips that by fully utilising the features on elliptical machines and really working your complete body during workouts, you have the biggest advantage at burning more calories and shedding unwanted fat. By performing these workouts daily, you can be well on your way to a perfectly toned body.

Simon P is currently the author of http://www.elliptical-machines.net and is dedicated to providing fresh information and product reviews on everything about elliptical machines. Affordable for the home, they produce amazing weight loss results. Click here for more FREE information. You have nothing to lose but weight!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Patterson

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Posted on: June 9, 2009

Filed under: Fitness

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