What Are The Various Kinds Of Dermatitis Skin Rashes?

22nd February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are a variety of skin problems that can be characterized as dermatitis, but they all have one similarity. Dermatitis causes inflammation of the skin somewhere on your body. It normally makes the skin red, swollen, itchy and it can cause skin lesions in some people. Dermatitis is not life-threatening nor generally incapacitating, but it can affect you negatively in many ways by making you uncomfortable at work or in social situations.

The intent of this article is to provide answers to the questions most people have about different types of dermatitis.

What does dermatitis look like? Some people say it resembles a very bad sunburn. Others describe it as looking like you scalded yourself with hot water. Blisters are typical with some types of dermatitis, and so are liquid secretions on the skin’s surface. People with dermatitis sometimes feel a powerful urge to scratch, but scratching just makes the skin look worse – and makes the condition harder to heal.

What causes dermatitis? Dermatitis has a variety of causes, including allergies and heredity. Irritants and pollution in your environment are among the causes of dermatitis. You can also get dermatitis due to certain kinds of stress, both emotional and physical. Naturally, some causes vary depending on the type of dermatitis in question.

Is dermatitis contagious? Dermatitis is not contagious: one individual cannot transmit it to another.

How many different types of dermatitis are there?

Atopic dermatitis Most people know this type of dermatitis as eczema. It’s a chronic, itchy skin problem that comes and goes. Atopic dermatitis may be at its worst during childhood and grow less severe with maturity. Stress can make this type worse but it does not cause it. No one knows exactly why some people get eczema and others don’t, but a problem with the immune system may be to blame. Also, dry irritable skin may be a factor.

Doctors usually treat this kind of dermatitis with one of several lotions that contain hydrocortisone.

Contact or allergic dermatitis The word “contact” is the key here. Contact or allergic dermatitis occurs when your skin comes in contact with an irritant that causes a rash,

Seborrheic dermatitis The most prominent symptom of this type of dermatitis is a red rash combined with yellowish, oily-looking scales on the scalp. When seborrheic dermatitis strikes infants, it’s called cradle cap. Neurological conditions sometimes cause this type of dermatitis in adults. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease seem to be at greater risk. Oily skin and hair, or a great deal of physical stress, may be contributing factors too.

Special shampoos containing tar, pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid or ketoconazole as the active ingredient are generally used to treat this type of dermatitis. You may also get relief from hydrocortisone creams and lotions.

Perioral dermatitis This type is believed to be a form of rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis or adult acne. Talk to your doctor if this rash appears because certain common skin care products may aggravate the condition.

Perioral dermatitis sometimes takes a long while to heal, but it generally goes away when you take the oral antibiotic tetracycline. Even after the rash is gone, you may need to keep taking tetracycline for several months to make sure there’s not a recurrence.

Neurodermatitis This type can be associated with eczema, psoriasis and dry skin. The primary symptom of this type of dermatitis is an itchy sensation in a specific part of the body. Itching in the wrists, ankles, arms and neck are typical. When you have neurodermatitis, you can usually sooth your skin by applying wet compresses. Hydrocortisone lotions and creams can also be helpful. Your doctor may also prescribe certain antidepressant or anti-anxiety medicine. Scratching the area is the worst thing you can do because it only makes the condition considerably worse.

Stasis dermatitis This is a form of dermatitis that happens when fluid builds up under the skin. The legs are most often affected by this type of dermatitis, which occurs because the fluid beneath the skin blocks certain processes that keep the skin healthy. The first step in treatment is to diagnose the cause of the fluid build up and correct it. This can sometimes be accomplished with elastic support stockings. In extreme cases, varicose vein surgery may be necessary. Sometimes, you can get relief by applying wet dressings, which not only soften fragile, thickened skin but help prevent infection.

Are you searching for more information on types of dermatitis? Click on what does dermatitis look like?. Neal Kennedy is a retired radio and TV reporter with a special interest in medical topics. You can read more of his articles by visiting what causes skin problems?.

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