The Fact about Abs: Slim the Flab, Shape that Abs!

9th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I have been having problems with my weight for how many years now, and I really want to get rid of such problems. I went looking for answers until I read “The Truth about Abs”. Since then, I have been following it so as to lose weight and get the shape I’ve been dreaming of. Carry on reading for I will share with you a few tips on how to get the body you like.

“HOW DO I TAKE THIS AWAY?” People of all shapes and sizes keep asking me this question as they point to their bulged tummies. Regrettably, the answer remains unsaid of despite of companies earning from it.

In fact, money must not be spent on losing weight. What one desires is the understanding of the corpse and its dynamics.

New Attention-Grabbing Ads for Abs

Recent commercials show equipments that stimulate the muscles in a way that they continually and continuously shrink without the person moving. One of these products even acts as a belt and in a matter of ten minutes, it was like doing 700 sit-ups! Commercials of this kind shows the dissimilarity between doing the conventional exercise, a tedious job that does not interest to the audience, and having to go about with your work with the “ab-thing” wrapped around your bulging body parts. Extraordinarily alluring!

Testimonies from previous users are aired. They argue of losing weight through the use of the product. Men with chiseled abs pay much credit to the product they use.

The advertisements are confusing their audience on the ways to slim their bellies. Invigorating the abs and making them stronger (while this may still be questionable) is not the way to do it.

Why is that? It’s the fat! If I do sit-ups everyday, solid and tight abs will build up, on the other hand, fat still surrounds my abdomen. Consequently, I will still look outsized since I did not become any slimmer. Even though about 50% is found under the skin, the other 50% remains inside the muscles. Sit-ups will not cut off the fat, neither will the wrap-around belt do it.

Burn the Fat

The secret to a firmer tummy is cardiovascular exercise. Examples of which are rapid walking, running, aerobics, swimming, cycling and vigorous sports like basketball, soccer, and tennis. Rigorous activities that keep the heartbeat fast for twenty minutes or so are tickets to a better heart, and even burned fats. These burns do not only the burn the fats under the skin but also those within the muscles. As a result, you look thinner and firmer. Think cardio five times in a week; it is the best fat eliminator.

The Human Body: The Lean Machine for Burning Fats

The cardio might do well in sculpting your abs. However, the abs is not the only FATTY part of the body, isn’t it?

When a workout is done on all muscle groups, you raise your metabolism at a superior level. So, the calories from the food you eat will be taken mostly by your muscles instead of the other parts, in this case, your abdomen. A healthy heart (undergoing prolonged cardiovascular exercises) also burns fat faster. Exercise-exposed muscles and cardio-conditioned heart, the perfect combination!

While all the fats are eliminated, those that are located on your middle will as well be removed. Certainly, mine has been eliminated. Awareness must be on (in precise order) the thighs, buttocks, back, chest, triceps, biceps, and then, calves, hips, forearms and shoulders.

The abs should be exercised before a workout is made. This is because it is indirectly used throughout most of the activities. If the abs goes first, the body will become tired easily. Work must begin from the biggest muscles down to the least.

Abs 101

The biggest muscle in the abdomen is called rectus abdominis. It is the main muscle affected by sit-ups and crunches. External and internal obliques (“nature’s girdle”) are on the sides. They also make tighter the belly so they should be exercised as well.

Just beneath the obliques are the transversus abdominis or lower abs. Leg raising is an effective exercise for the these.

The How’s

Proper walking includes swinging your arms and tightening the belly at a faster speed. Get yourself used to walking properly and you will never go wrong. Do it for half an hour each day for improved results. In addition, drink the recommended amount of water each day. This is how I do it.

Weight training is as well an helpful way in losing weight; in reality, it toughens the bones as well. It helps to avoid osteoporosis in old age. Lifting weights definitely burns fat giving regularity and shape to the body.

Yoga is also an excellent way to be fit. It focuses on the back and of course, the abs. It also gives you a leaner posture. A lot of exercises using the mat offer a variety of exercising options.

What matters is finding the activity that fits your personality. This helps you stick to your exercise regimen. Me, I stick with activities that fit my personality.

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Posted on: June 9, 2009

Filed under: Fitness

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