A Video Game System Was The Right Choice

16th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

My child’s wish list for Santa this year started with a gaming platform. Unfortunately it was up to me to decide what kind of platform to put under the tree. This was not going to be easy for me to decide so as not to disappoint. It was up to me to succeed and I decided that I was going to succeed.

In the store, it seemed like I was overloaded with choices that include the xbox 360 kinect, the Nintendo Wii, or the Playstation move, or I could opt or a handheld system like the PSP, or the Nintendo DS, or we could get a smartphone that has all sorts of application that a person can enjoy so in the end the choice was not going to be as simple as I thought and I would have to find a way to break it down.

I started out checking out how the phones would work for me. My son was only ten, so I wasn’t sure if a phone would be right for him. I knew that I had already gone through several phones and my son was not as careful as I was. There was also the monthly cost that was associated with a cell phone. It would also require one of the more expensive plans in order to play games. Games on the cell phone did not seem like they were that great. All in all I thought that a phone would be something better suited for an adult.

Next I went over to the full sized gaming platforms and with the recent xbox 360 kinect release date, there were basically three fro me to choose form and they all had different advantages and disadvantages to them according to the salesman, and in order to decide what was best it would be a matter of the age of the user, the types of games that they like to play and how experienced a gamer they are. For the best family experience, the Wii has been well tested for quite a while. Microsoft has come up with a platform that is considered much more advanced. Xbox lets people connect to others through the internet. The Playstation has the best graphics of all of the systems. My son would have a wide variety of games available no matter what I chose.

It was important to think about the budget as I shopped. In addition to the price of the system, there was also the price of the extras for the platforms. It did not seem to matter which platform I bought when it came to buying games. There was also the cost of joining an online community for some of the platforms. This was another cost that would need to be factored into my decision. I had seen enough of these platforms and decided to look at the portable gaming systems.

The hand held games had a lot fo titles for them. As long as the batteries were charged a kid could be playing games even when they were traveling. A child did not have to any type of wireless connection to play the games but they could f they wanted to. There were some things about being able to play anywhere that I liked and some things that I did not like. If they are taken out of the home they could be lost easily.

I chose the Kinect system after my research. I do not know all of the reasons that we made this decision. I think we kind of flipped a coin to decide. My son could not have been happier. He has already enjoyed many hours of playing games and does not look like he will stop. I guess we made a good choice.

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