Magnetic Therapy Products And Magnetic Jewellery

9th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Magnets are found in many places in nature and in man-made technology. Electromagnetic radiation comes down from the sun in the form of UV rays and static electromagnetism can be seen in lightning bolts too. Lodestone, hematite and radioactive materials carry electric charges of their own. Electromagnetic waves cook our microwave foods, transport our radio/TV/wireless internet waves and emanate from our refrigerators and cell phones.

Scientists speculate that even the Earth’s rotation is controlled by powerful magnetic fields and the fact that iron exists in the bloodstream implies that magnetism could impact our own bodies. Magnetic jewellery is another harmless use for magnets, which some say provides relief for chronic pain disorders.

Magnetic jewellery works on the premise that magnetic fields work locally to relieve injured tissue, muscles, joints or cells. If you suffer from something like arthritis in the hands, tennis elbow or carpal tunnel syndrome, then you should purchase the electromagnetic bracelets.

If you have TMJ, chronic headaches or shoulder pain, try the magnetic necklaces and earrings instead. Magnetic ankle bracelets or insoles are best for patients who have lower back, foot or ankle pain. For chronic back pain, a magnetic back brace would be a more sensible solution. For knee stiffness, sleeping with a magnetic pillow between the knees might do the trick. It’s important that the jewelry be worn for 24-hours per day for maximum efficiency.

Be aware that all magnetic jewelry is not created equal. Makers of magnetic therapy products, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and rings often say “You get what you pay for.” Much of the advertised cheap jewelry includes the athlete “cuff,” which is the c-shaped bracelet with two balls on each end.

Magnet therapists say that each magnet only has 1,500 gauss each for a total of 3,000 gauss, which is nowhere near enough to provide relief. The average person needs about 7,500 gauss or higher to work, experts say. The high-quality, more expensive magnetic jewelry pieces usually come with magnets studded throughout. It may take several weeks or months for you to begin to feel the effects, although some people report overnight improvement.

  • The coating materials have gone from plastic to stainless steel.
  • Magnetic jewellery is said to stimulate the body to produce endorphins and improve circulation.
  • Be aware that all magnetic jewelry is not created equal.

Magnetic jewellery is considered completely safe, except for those who have pacemakers or are pregnant. Obviously, electronic devices like pacemakers can conflict with a magnetic force and the effects of magnets on unborn fetuses are still yet to be examined. Wearers of magnetic necklaces are advised to never substitute these products for a physician’s advice. Magnets may disturb digestion processes if they’re strapped onto the abdomen right after eating and they may increase the potency of some medications.

Posted on: June 9, 2009

Filed under: Health

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