The Acai Berry For Colon Cleansing & Weight Loss? Useful Things to Bear in Mind

8th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There has been a lot of buzz and talk about the South American Acai Berry. This has been for good reason. The acai berry or acai fruit (pronounced ah-SAH-ee) has tremendous nutritional content packed full of antioxidants, amino acids, oils, fibers, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Some are calling it the ultimate super food.

By some people calling the acai berry the ultimate super food, I mean such notable personalities such as Dr. Perricone who had this to say about the acai berry, “”One of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world”, and Dr. Perricone, lists the acai berry as number 1 on his list of top ten superfoods. Some people are calling the acai berry & colon cleansing Oprah’s Dynamic Duo since she has featured both on her show promoting their health benefits.

Okay so we know that the acai berry is great for you and has many benefits for your health, but how does acai actually benefit those looking to cleanse their colon and lose weight? Well, although there is no clinical evidence to support this claim, there is a lot lot of user feedback that it does indeed do so. These claims seem very plausible, especially if we look at the acai berry’s natural potential to imbue energy in those who consume it. Since the berry is super rich in energy due it being packed with carbohydrates and healthy fats, people who consume it will have more of a tendency to exercise. Exercise and increased energy stimulate metabolism so the tendency to gain weight is reduced.

Being that the acai fruit has an almost perfect amino acid complex, it aids proper muscle contraction and regeneration. Also the high fiber, phytosterols and healthy fats promote cardiovascular and digestive health. Right there you can see the implications the acai berry has to help cleanse the colon as well as aid in weight loss. A healthy digestive system is vital for the body to process foods at an optimum rate, thus not clogging the system with more food like an unhealthy body would which would only add weight.

Also a better functioning digestive system will obviously aid the colon to process foods and eliminate toxins more efficiently. The high antioxidant content in the acai fruit help flush out the toxins and waste built up in the colon and digestive tract, accelerating the detoxification process. I would not be surprised if a lot of companies that make colon cleansing products start including acai as one of their ingredients because of the fruit’s high fiber content and detoxification properties.

So when you look at the makeup of the acai berry as I have done here, it is easy to see why so many people are having remarkable results using it to not only lose weight, but as an aid to cleanse their colon as well. I have covered how colon cleansing aids weight loss in other posts on my blog, so check that out if you want to know how it does that exactly. If you want to give Oprah’s ‘Dynamic Duo’ of acai berry and colon cleansing a try yourself, it might be worth while given the results people are having. There is only one way to find out how positive the results can be for you.

Tom Janus has dedicated much of his time to researching colon cleansing and body detoxification. He educates people about colon cleansing through writing articles and answering questions. Learn more about my top recommended acai berry weight loss system here.

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Posted on: June 8, 2009

Filed under: Cleansing & Detox

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