Smoother Ride With The 3 Wheel Electric Scooter

4th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you are one of the many people who have a little trouble getting around, then a mobility scooter may be what you need. These wheelchairs electric scooters are a common site at amusement parks, grocery stores and malls. You will need to choose between a 4 wheel scooter or the 3 wheel electric scooter.

While they both provide a very comfortable and smooth ride, each has its own unique features. Perhaps the most important question to consider before purchasing one is how you will be using the scooter.

electric mobility scooter
In general, the 3 wheel scooter provides more maneuverability, as the design allows for a turning radius that is quite a bit tighter. Normally, these electric scooters are lighter, more portable and narrower, and are especially suited for indoor use. The lighter weight and 3 wheel variety designs are not nearly as effective and have less stability for navigating on uneven roads.

By contrast, the 4 wheel scooters are actually optimized for heavier outdoor use, as the design does offer extra stability. Its weight is much heavier and the rugged tires ensure that you will get better traction but you lose some maneuverability. Many people feel that the 3 wheel electric scooter provides the ease of turning and maneuverability, as well as the design and light weight.

The electric mobility scooter is a very popular choice and is available in a wide variety of designs, colors and styles from many different manufacturers. Also remember that it is possible for the electric mobility scooter to be changed and upgraded with different features in case you do cannot find exactly what you are looking for.

electric motor scooters
You may be able to add all-terrain tires, increased suspension, and a higher seat back along with many other upgrades from the basic models. However, most insurance companies will only cover the basic amount of the 3 wheel electric scooter so that means you would be responsible for the upgrades.

Even with your doctor stating this is needed, getting the insurance to cover the upgrades to your electric mobility scooter can be frustrating.

Posted on: June 4, 2009

Filed under: Health

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