Get Ripped with The Quickest Way To Build Muscle

7th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Ok, so now you resemble a water buffalo due to the heavy weight routines you have pushed yourself through. You now want to cut those massive muscles back and reveal the sculpted form of your physique.

Discover how to do that in a matter of weeks…..

A slightly different strategy is required to burn off any remaining fat after your massive weight training routines. You’ll replace the heavy weights with medium weight levels and higher repetitions.The other piece to the puzzle is a change in diet for around four to five weeks. Diet is a huge part of revealing the quickest way to build muscle. Are you still with me? Ok, then let’s get to it.

The Quickest Way to Build Muscle and Get Ripped

The object of your training will be to wear and tear the muscles using high reps and lighter weights. You will still exercise each muscle set to exhaustion by testing their endurance. This method works a different muscle fiber causing a boost in metabolism that melts fat after your exercise routine.

Replace your low reps (of say six to eight reps with huge weights) with 12 to 15 reps of moderate weights (say 60-70% of your normal lift). Now, the quickest way to build muscle and get that cut look requires a few tweaks to your normal program.

You are going to throw in a lot of dumbbell workouts for cutting and sculpting those huge muscles. What will not change is the days you need to focus on just a specific muscle group for each exercise period. You will still build up gradually on the amount of weight shifted, although you will not be pushing to your maximum.

To warm up prior to your main sets make sure to use a weight that you can manage 25 or more reps with – this can be around 30-40% of your maximum. Your next sets will feature moderate weights for 12 to 15 reps. Do a minimum of at least five sets to exhaust the muscles. If cardio is a part of your program, then reduce this or replace it with High Intensity Training for no more than 20 minutes duration. This is because cardio will not assist in fat loss. All it will accomplish is a loss of muscle tissue instead.

You have probably never seen a heavily muscled marathon or long distance runner. Ever wonder why?

Check out their little bellies though! Their bodies burn muscle and need stored fat to keep going for long periods of exertion. They have programmed their bodies to consume muscle tissue until they “hit the wall” in their running. You wanted to know the quickest way to build muscle, well cardio is not the answer.

Workouts To Consider


• Dumbbell Flies, flat bench, incline and decline.
• Dumbbell Presses, on decline,incline and horizontal.
• Push-ups with feet elevated, wide spacing of hands.


• Seated Dumbbell Presses.
• Front dumbbell lifts, standing.
• Lateral dumbbell raises.
• Upright rowing with barbell.
• Shrugs with barbell.
• Bent over dumbbell extensions.


• Pull-ups on the chinning bar.
• Seated rowing with cable and pulley.
• Lat machine pull-downs.
• Bent over rowing with barbell.
• One-hand bent over rowing with dumbbell.


• Barbell squats.
• Leg extensions on machine.
• Thigh biceps curls on machine or with wall mounted cable-and-pulley.
• Lunges with barbells.
• Standing Calf raises.
• Donkey calf raises.
• Calf raises, seated.


• Crunches, flat bench or mat.
• Compound crunches, twisting left and right.
• Dumbbell Side bends.
• Rear side bends with dumbbells
• Twists with barbell across shoulders.

Diet – [maintain this diet for twenty five days (five cycles)|Keep this up for 25 days – this is 5 cycles}

• Do Not eat carbohydrates for four days.
• Eat a balanced diet on fifth day.
• Avoid carbohydrates on the sixth,seventh eighth and ninth days.
• Eat a balanced diet on the tenth day.


• Protein shake
• Essential amino acids (Lipo3 compound, inositol, choline, etc.)
• Wheat germ oil
• Desiccated liver, kelp tablets.

Grab your FREE report called “The ABCs of Body Building, Diet and Fitness” plus newsletter series. To discover the Quickest Way To Build Muscle check out the Building Muscle Today website at and get immediate access to your report which will layout the fastest way of Building Muscle.

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