Are You Too Old To Exercise

6th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Is there an age when someone is too old to exercise? One of the greatest causes of atrophy to the muscles of seniors is insufficient activity needed to stimulate adequate blood flow to vital organs.
If a senior citizen is living a lifestyle that is very sedentary they are at risk for many physical and mental conditions. By adding movement to their daily life they can lower the risk of many conditions and find themselves able to do more things than they imagined they could do.
Older people should not expect that they will be training like a professional athlete. In planning a healthy, stimulating program start by planning a routine that will provide enough exercise that will generate adequate blood flow to all of the vital organs. A varied program that emphasizes aerobic exercises along with helping build muscles and gain flexibility will address most seniors needs.
The primary goal for most seniors is not an exercise plan that will show them how to lose weight fast at home in a week but is one that will help them reach a balance of activity providing just enough exercise to accomplish the goals of maintaining muscle mass, adequate blood flow and a feeling of well-being because if the regimen is extremely strenuous it can cause an adverse effect to the overall condition of a senior. When a senior citizen shows signs of too much exercise it should be stopped immediately.
A senior citizen’s exercise program should be based on their individual needs. The workout needs to be tailored to a person and their specific abilities and needs in order to give the person the incentive to want to do it regularly. Fitness training for senior citizens is not a competition and a person do e not have to out do any one else.
As a senior develops more strength and flexibility their exercise program can be changed. The program should be flexible, keeping in mind that the routines and movements can be increased or decreased on a weekly basis depending on the physical condition of the person.
For all people checking with a doctor can be the first step in deciding type and how rigorous an exercise schedule they should try to maintain. They will be able to assist you in selecting a program with the proper intensity and type of exercises that will be beneficial to the patient and in addition to creating an exercise plan, a person can also find the help of a dietitians physical therapist, and a nutritionist to help them develop an overall health plan even if they are not trying to decide how to lose weight fast and these trained professionals will be able to monitor whether the program is too strenuous or acceptable to ensure a person’s safety.
When you commence a program it is suggested that you ask a professional to be present and assist in demonstrating the various moves. If someone is doing a regimen wrong will not receive all off the benefits that they should be. When a person does not know how to do the regimen they will not get the benefits they should and are more likely to give up. Do not forget to consult with the personal trainers as you progress to gauge the effectiveness of your fitness routine.
Exercising is a learning process and a person must learn what they are doing and how it is effecting their body to ensure that they will continue and will stay in much better health. In order for a person to stay fit they must combine a good fitness regimen with a proper diet. When your body feels good, you feel good and that mood will spread to others around you.

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