Short Term Goals

4th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Career and personal life cannot do without setting goals nowadays. The importance to plan, stick to the plan, and adjust it as you progress and finally reach the goal represents important steps of the way. But while planning, one may realize that there are short term goals that require all the attention and on which the other larger ones depend. This is what makes the difference between long and short term goals.

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According to certain opinions short term goals should be defined according to the plan created when they are set in the first place. Projects that are envisaged for no more than a month could be described as short term goals, but beyond six months or more, we’re talking about long term ones. What they fail to see, is that you cannot speak about short term goals without having in mind long term ones.

We can only think and plan the former against the background of the latter. For example, you could measure short term aims for yourself in days while someone else will measure their own aims of this kind in months or even in years; that is why the relativity concept in defining short term goals as done in the previous paragraph has a very important role.

A further important element to take into consideration when setting short term goals is that you need to be very specific and also very realistic about the planning. If you imagine that teaching your students past tense during the following week is a clear, defined goal, you will probably not be able to achieve it. Even more specific terms are necessary for the planning of short term goals.

Teach the difference between regular and irregular verbs next Tuesday morning in class between 9 and 11: this would probably sound more realistic. The aim as such is pretty small but it is surely realistic and achievable for a two hour period. That is probably one of the short term goals included in a larger plan or long term goal of enabling foreign students to understand and use correctly past tense forms of verbs after teaching, reinforcing, practicing and testing for at least several weeks as part of an English course.

Hopefully, the above example sets a different light on the distinction between short term goals and long term plans with the mention that perseverance and hard work remain the keys to success.

The Last Word on Goal Setting:
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Posted on: February 4, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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