How To Get My Girlfriend Back: The Top Five Basic Rules Demystified

31st January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Did you suffer with a major break and desire her back? These are the five keys to beginning the method of getting your girlfriend back quick.

After a break up it’s easy to either talk too much about it or not chat about the topic at all. Neither of these is healthy. Write it all down or talk it out with one person (not your ex) so that you can just get everything out. Then you are done and it’s time to leave it alone. Don’t dwell anymore.

Logic Won’t Save You
First, don’t reason with yourself. If you don’t understand why she split up with you at this time, you almost certainly won’t. Sometimes the rationale doesn’t sound correct. Occasionally it is based solely on something she felt, which is something no one else can ever understand. You don’t have to realise it. It’s what it’s so don’t spend lots of time trying to work out the solution or wondering what you might have done in a different way. You are wasting your time and losing her each second.

Further, Don’t Try and Reason With Her.
I’m of the opinion a common misconception about getting girls back is that we are able to reason with them or appeal to their emotions and this just isn’t right. Yes, they are emotional and over-analyzing creatures, but when it comes to matters of the heart they can also be reckless. Like I said, we won’t always understand what’s happening in someone’s head or heart, but most likely it’s not based in logic.

Be Clear and Then Disappear
First it’s important for you to understand that your break up, irrespective of what your present position is, is a nice thing. You have got an issue you want to work out or maybe someone just needs to cease taking the other person for granted. Even if you don’t need to be broken up, your relationship will stronger for it when she comes running back.

You need to be clear about what you want. You also need to agree with the breakup. You need to do this in a short and concise hand written letter or presumably a phone call, not an e-mail or text. You can say you continue to have feelings for the person, but you must also say that breaking up is for the best. Agreeing with the split up is essential. Make sure your letter is SHORT, calm, and clear-headed. The purpose is to be completely clear and to let them go. If you don’t let them go (in a mature way) how will they come back?

Avoid All Social Technology
After your one contact it’s time to disappear. Girls love a mystery and they like what they can not have. Disappear. I am telling you it will work.
Don’t text and don’t call her. Take her out of your phone for now if you’ve got to. Give her space. She will appreciate that you respected her wishes and then wonder what you are up to! Don’t check her facebook or twitter, it will make you need to contact her.

Concentrate on You
Be around other people you like. Find things worth doing that you like. And don’t do any of this to better yourself to get her back. Do it for you. Ladies need independent, robust men. So focus on being the best person you may be, for yourself. She’ll see.

Brandon knows the score. For more on getting her back, check out his website and sign up for his free relationship advice newsletter.

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