What is Pilates and How Can it Give You Have a Stronger Mid Section

29th May, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Joseph Pilates developed a form of exercise called contrology in the early 1900’s. It was based on yoga movements and aerobic exercise. His purpose was to use your mind to control your muscles. It focused on the body’s core muscles, like abdominals, that supported the spine and controlled posture.

The method of exercise was originally proposed by Joseph to help rehabilitate World War 1 veterans by strengthening core muscles and improving mental and physical health. He expanded his methods to include the entire body and called it the Pilates Principles. This is supposed to create a linking of the mind and body to create grace and balance. Millions of people around the world practice this form of exercise today.

One of the key principles of pilates is breathing. It is important to take full breathes and exhale fully while doing the exercises. This helps make sure there is plenty of oxygen in the blood and eases tension. Each exercise has a specific and important breathing pattern that should be followed to get best results.

A few more key principles of pilates are control, concentration, and precision. These are all related. By concentrating on the specific, controlled movements and breathing patterns, you move through precise movements that help create balance, strength, and flexibility. This will carry over into every day life giving you grace and elegance even when you are not thinking about the movements you are doing.

Pilates was originally designed to be done on a pilates machine. the pilates machine consists of a frame with a sliding carriage on it. There are pulleys and straps or ropes with handles that are used to move the carriage. Springs and body weight provide the resistance while doing exercises while kneeling, sitting, or laying on the sliding platform.

Today there are several adaptations of pilates that do not require a pilates machine. One is a smaller, more portable machine referred to as Susan Lucci Pilates. This is a nice machine that gives you a good workout. It can then be easily stored in a closet or under a bed. Another popular adaptation is to do the exercises on the floor. With just a pilates mat, you can exercise almost anywhere. Both of these methods are becoming very popular and many people that do pilates have never even used a traditional reformer.

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Whichever method you prefer, you can get a great core workout which will strengthen your body, improve flexibility, and give you more balance in your live and movements.

For the record, the author is not a physician, has never played one on television, and didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. This article is based entirely on personal experiences and/or research. It is to be used for informational purposes only and not meant to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. You should consult a physician for any diagnoses or treatments you need.

Posted on: May 29, 2009

Filed under: Fitness

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