Unraveling the Health Benefits of Eating Goji Berries

28th May, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The beneficial effects of juice made from Goji berries has reached monumental proportions. Adherents of raw food diet attest to the age defying impact of this health wonder, which occurs naturally in Asia. There are several series of studies that attest to their uses against disease.

They are rich in most vitamins and minerals and are considered as one of the healthiest natural food products. Those who have been drinking smoothie juice made of extracts from Goji berries have reported dramatic improvement in their overall health condition. Advocates of this kind of diet have a lot of recipes in making juices using the vitamix blender.

Here are some important facts that we have to take into consideration if we are serious of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

FACT #1 – This natural health wonder is packed with 19 amino acids of which 9 are essential in keeping the normal function of our body. There are also 21 trace elements in them. We get more protein than a steak. Further more, we get more Vitamin C than we do in oranges.

FACT #2 – It is one of the best sources of carotene, an important antioxidant. It also has exhibited significant anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties attributable to the presence of solavetivone compound. It also has anti-inflammatory functions, too.

FACT #3 – With its high levels of essential fatty acids, it produces hormones in the brain that are good for development.

FACT #4 – It is also an anti-aging agent. Many studies have established its relation to the person’s longevity and the longest living individuals have it as part of their daily diet.

Here are just a few points on its effects on specific diseases and ailments:

•It can inhibit the action of specific anti-bodies that can trigger allergenic reactions.
•It can slow down the aging process because of the presence of LBP polysaccharides
•It has significant action against gene mutation that leads to cancers. There are also related studies that have demonstrated the capability of most cancer patients to stay in remission longer when they are taking Gobi berry on a regular basis.
•They have enzymes that acts on another enzyme known as superoxide anion which triggers arthritis. The human body has a natural stock of this good enzyme known as superoxide dismutase but it is not present enough to counter the effects of the bad enzyme.
•It has also demonstrated significant beneficial effects in maintaining healthy cardiovascular and blood functions. It also has confirmed positive effects in managing gastro-intestinal problems, hypertension, obesity, sexual dysfunction and other major medical conditions.

Posted on: May 28, 2009

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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