Should You Have Top Personal Training Certifications?

28th May, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Personal fitness trainers have two big questions. Are the top personal training certifications worth their time, and hard earned money? If so, from the hundreds of certifications available, which should they consider?

First off, after running a successful personal training business for over twenty years, I have discovered a personal trainer education to be a valuable asset. Would an orthopedic surgeon bypass formal education, and start operating on people immediately? Not a chance, I hope! Therefore, why would you pass on formal personal trainer certification, and education?

I am a big believer in investing in yourself by way of a personal training education. Your investment in time, and money will be returned to you with a big dividend.

Receiving one, or more of the fitness trainer certifications will help you acquire the necessary skills to become an outstanding personal fitness trainer. Your return on investment from a fitness trainer education will not only supply you specific knowledge, but also an extra edge in personal trainer marketability.

It is an intelligent personal trainer business strategy to use your fitness trainer certification as an unique selling proposition to help attract more business. Thus, you receive the proper personal trainer knowledge base, as well as an accredited qualification to prove your fitness coaching competency. Two huge benefits for the price of one!

Please understand, when it comes to a personal trainer business, you are selling the brand you. Your knowledge, experience, and the ability to help a prospect is what you are offering in exchange for financial gain.

Overall, acquiring a fitness trainer education, and securing one of the top personal training certifications , is relatively inexpensive for the potential return on investment. That is, if you apply what is being taught.

If you look at personal training certifications closely, you will notice getting educated, and certified isn’t extremely difficult. It is rather quick, and simple. Compare the study process to physical therapists, and medical doctors. The good news is you can get up, and running as a certified professional fitness trainer in a matter of weeks.

Which are the top personal training certifications available today?

This is a question I receive daily. If you do research on personal trainer certifications , you will discover a massive list of hundreds. Please understand, most are not even worth your time. These worthless certifications are only about taking an open book multiple choice test, pay, and get your certification. That is not my idea of competency, and effectively educating yourself on a trade.

There are only 9 top personal training certifications I recommend looking into. Please ignore the rest! Each one of my suggestions are officially accredited certifications. They have a proven track record of delivering excellent fitness trainer education, which includes a comprehensive certification process. You will not be disappointed with any of the top 9 fitness trainer certifications I suggest. Becoming fitness certified will set you apart from the “average” trainers.

Along with getting your training certification, it is highly recommended you focus on receiving additional education on personal training business marketing, and sales. Effective fitness marketing, and sales will propel you to the top of the personal fitness trainer industry. Therefore, it is imperative to invest in fitness trainer continuing education courses on a regular basis, year in, and year out.

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It is important to focus on continual personal training education, and make sure you don’t neglect fitness marketing training. This information will help you attract, and maintain a profitable personal training business.

Are the top personal training certifications worth it? As mentioned above, the answer is a definite yes! Your return on investment can be huge, that is, if you take action on the information you learn.

Posted on: May 28, 2009

Filed under: Fitness

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