Getting Physical Activity When School Is Out

10th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

During summer break it is easy to get kids playing outside. How do you keep the kids active when the weather is much colder.? How can kids get the physical activity they need? When they are in school they usually have some time for physical activity. There are still many ways for a parent to entice their children to get the activity that they need to even if they are stuck inside their home.

One thing that parents can now turn to is video gaming and with the new style of motion gaming that is available on platforms like the Nintendo Wii, the xbox 360 kinect, and the Playstation move, it is possible for kids to get the physical activity they need while they are doing something that they love and if a parent is smart they will get the exercise they need by joining in with their kids. Using a video game is not a replacement for regular physical activity that all children and adults need although it is at least some movement. It is also something that is easy to get the kids to do. A parent should keep a few things in mind about this type of activity.

1. Choose your titles carefully. If the title is not fun for your child they will not want to play it. Because they know that kids are different, the manufacturers have created a wide variety of software to appeal to a broad market. Take the time to know what types of games your kids enjoy and look at the different titles. Games that involve some type of sport usually involve more movement than some others. Try to find a balance between physical activity and fun to get the best effect.

2. There are different gaming systems available. The three main motion platforms all have their pluses and minuses and depending on your children’s age and gaming enthusiasm picking the right platform is very important, so do not be swayed by the argument that just because the recent xbox 360 kinect release date has passed and everybody else has it, you need to get the newest platform too. It is better to find the one that fits your family.

3. Find the right place in your home. You will need to have some room to play these games. If it is hard to move around while you play, it will not be as effective as you want. Be aware of things that can be broken in the room. Do not worry that you are using a TV that you normally watch. You cannot get the same activity watching a TV show that you can get gaming. That is one way to fight inactivity.

4. Pick up a controller too. A parent is allowed to use these platforms. No rule says that kids are the only ones who like video games. Adults can also benefit physically from the motion gaming. It is just as important for an adult to get exercise as it is for children to get exercise. It is also another way to spend time with children. A parent can teach a child how to play games in the right way. Some kids are very competitive when they play games. When an adult demonstrates good behavior playing a game, a child will learn how it is supposed to be done.

It is possible to use motion gaming to get kids the activity that they need. Do not use it as a replacement for outdoor activity. Use it as a supplement. If the sun is out and the temperature is right, send the kids outdoors for some exercise. Video games can be brought out for a child to play when they are not able to do something out of the house.

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