Organic Foods :The Best Selection for You and the Environment

25th May, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Are you seriously concerned about the possible harm that may come to you and your family with the kind of food that you are serving on the table?

Amidst the controversy and concern about genetically-modified foods, we are now seeing the emergence of a new philosophy about eating in the purest, natural form known as organic food. This food hype that has crept into our homes have led us to avoid chemically-laden foods, beefs, and other foodstuffs that are known to have negative effects on our health as well as pediatric development. What are the organic food sources?

The main organic food sources include animal foods and plantslarge quantities of chemicals. Their gardening method is based on the utilization of the purest soil and land in order to promote a growing condition that is necessary in the production of nutrient laden organic food sans the volume of chemical additives that are generally present in mass-produced foods from factories.

There is a strict adherence to the banning of anything not organically grown in an organic farming setup. This is one of the more contentious issues plaguing commercial farms as there is now a growing backlash on such commercial farming practice. Organically grown animals are raised in organic farms. They are provided a living space that mimics the natural character of their natural habitat. They are fed with organic food sources without any traces of chemically enhanced hormones or drugs.

Organic foods are always ahead when it comes to taste and palatability. Not only do the organic foods taste better, but they are far superior nutritionally. On top of this, there are many other benefits that we can get from eating organic foodsreceive by eating only organically.

As people continue to learn the benefits of eating organically we gain when you include organic foods in our diet, we are also helping the protect the environment in numerous ways. It is also known that organic farmers do not risk the health problems that commercial farmers do due to chemicals all around them.

Our main concernprimary issue about commercial foods is our continued ingestion of harmful chemicals and pesticides that remain in the foods that we buy from commercial sources. Organic foods are void of these harsh chemicals while animals that grow in an organic farm eat only organic food sources with no traces of antibiotics or chemicals.

These antibiotics generally find their way to the food chain and are taken in by humans when they eat animals raised in commercial farms. Countless studies have already confirmed the increased health risks that is significantly attributable to the exposure and ingestion of these antibiotics and chemicals used in animals. Some of these antibiotics and chemicals have known carcinogenic effects and may lead to the mental retardation of our children.

The positive results to humans, animals and our environment are enough reasons for us to take a strong stand to support organic products. Simple supply and demand will work as more people will start organic farming as the demand for it increases. This will ensure that there will be an ample supply of healthy and safe food products which we can serve to our families.

Posted on: May 25, 2009

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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