The Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment for Depression in Children

9th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Child Psychiatrist In Melbourne

Children could experience depression at any stage in life. It has different warning signs and causes. Just like adults, children also experience temporary periods of aloneness, from which they could recover fast. But there’s an estimated 5% of children experiencing severe depression, affecting their day-to-day activities at school and at home. Children with learning or conduct disorders, loss, high levels of stress are more likely to experience depression.

Misconceptions About Depression in Children

“What does he/she have to be depressed about?” This is the common statement of most people when they learn that a child is experiencing depression. Such statement discloses two main misconceptions: (1) poor of understanding about clinical depression; and (2) childhood is a stress-free, trouble-free, and carefree phase in our lives.

Clinical depression is not the same as the occasional emotional dips that everyone experiences. It could resemble these blues, however, it’s much more long-lasting, pervasive, and life-threatening. Unlike the normal blues, it is not necessarily because of a specific state or events in the life of the child.

With the second misconception, children also feel stresed out and pressured, considering the many expectations of parents and teachers, and the acceptance of and pressure from friends. Often, adults forget that children not yet able to control their lives. Such situation could be truly scary and frustrating to live through day after day.

Symptoms of Depression in Children

The behavioural warning signs of children suffering from depression aren’t the same as that of a depressed adult. Below are the symptoms of depressed children:

o Constant feelings of sadness or aloneness.
o Inability to enjoy previously favourite things or activities.
o Significant increase in irritability or activity.
o Frequent complaints of stomach aches and/or headaches or migraines which does not change with treatment.
o Suicidal actions and thoughts.
o Alcohol and/or drug abuse.
o Decreased performance in school.
o Inability to deal with daily responsibilities and activities.
o Sustained poor focus, boredom andor low energy.
o Changes in sleeping and eating patterns.
o Exhibiting troublesome or poor conduct at home or at school.

Causes of Depression in Children

There is no single and proven reason why children suffer from depression. Its cause is actually unknown yet. It could be because of any combination of factors related to physical, mental, or psychological health; family history or life events; genetic vulnerability; environment; and biochemical hormonal imbalance. Environmental and psychological factors include but not limited to: conflicts in child-parent relationship, loss or death of a loved one, and low self-esteem.

Treatment for Depression in Children

Treatment ought to vary rationally to fit the specific needs and situation of each child. This is chiefly due to the many variations in causes and types of depression in children. Some warning signs may just imply a change in habits or conduct, while more intense signs need the expertise of a child psychologist. Treatment for this level of depression may include anti-depressant medications, cognitive-behavioural therapy, or a combination of these.

If you are seeking for the help of a good and sympathetic child psychiatrist in Melbourne, visit the website of VCPS:

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Posted on: January 9, 2011

Filed under: Health

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