Getting Prepared for Any kind of Disaster by having an Emergency Water Filter

6th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Getting ready in case of a crisis is only smart practice. Even though chances are good that nothing is ever going to happen to you or your family, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Individuals who have survived natural catastrophes, for example hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes, as well as those who have gone through man made disasters, like the recent California gas main explosion, know how instantly lives can change. When these kind of scenarios occur, one thing people will need almost instantly are safe sources of clean water. Emergency water filters can provide this most essential of resources regardless of what may happen.

Disasters usually disrupt municipal water systems. Consider the Iowa town that not too long ago was flooded to the point where raw sewage had polluted fresh water supplies. It was more than a week until the problem was repaired, and in that time, the people were without the water they had grown used to having. Bottled water in local stores instantly ran out, which left many people in a real bind. If they were fortunate that their power had not been interrupted, they could boil the water; however, they could have produced a lot more palatable water much faster if they’d had access to emergency water filters of some kind.

There are many different brands of water filters which come in a number of sizes. You can get small, individual water bottles as well as filtered straws all the way up to family-sized equipment. Not only are these portable water purification systems equipment ideal in case of emergency, but they can also be used during camping trips in which drinking water resources are questionable. Larger systems can cleanse as much as 7 gallons of water per hour, getting rid of bacteria, cysts, as well as dirt and creating the water clean and safe for drinking along with other purposes.

FEMA suggests that everybody have enough materials readily available to get their families through a minimum of 3 days. This consists of food, water, as well as emergency supplies. Keeping a 3-day availability of bottled water fresh would mean replacing it often. Hence, to be prepared, investing in an emergency water filtration unit makes lots of sense.

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