The Book That Inspired ‘The Secret’

3rd January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have you ever thrown a pebble into a pond and watched the waves race away? Sometimes ideas impact our thoughts in just such a profound way. “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne has had that kind of influence on us. First released as a movie and then followed with a book, “The Secret” has radically transformed many people’s lives already, and the phenomenon continues to grow.

There was one little note at the very beginning about getting “a glimpse of a great secret.” I didn’t give much consideration to that. Then I heard some people talking the other day about the book that gave her that glimpse! The book was written over 100 years ago and, like the purloined letter, has been available for you and me ever since. Bob Proctor, a guru in “The Secret,” says it has been inspiring him for over 30 years.

I got a copy of this self help book and have been reading it, and it’s making changes in my life already! From a historical perspective, this book was written when many people were redefining new ways of looking at their relationship with science. Many of the New Thought pioneers like Edgar Cayce, Ernest Holmes and the Filmores were bringing new ideas to public awareness.

One of the important themes in this self help book is that it is our imperative to experience abundance in our lives| Although we read many explanations about spiritual prosperity, many people still think it is the opposite of material prosperity. In this book we learn that if we learn how to think in a “certain way” we will learn to work with the “formative substance of the universe” to create spiritual prosperity in our lives.

Here are some of the headings in this book:

There Is A Science
The First Principle
How Riches Come To You
Thinking In The Certain Way
Acting In A Certain Way
Getting Into The Right Business
The Advancing Man

Here are a couple of the precious gems from this book:

“No man” or woman “can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.”

“There is a Science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches; once these laws are learned and obeyed by any man, he will get rich with mathematical certainty.”

Would you like a copy of this self help book? This book is in the public domain and you can get a copy at no charge at Self Help Hotline Secret. Learn the truth from “The Secret” that we influence our reality.

P.S. Remember, this is not idle fantasy or unproven thoughts. Abundance is a state of mind Let’s take conscious control of our lives!
Adam Dillinger runs the Self Help Hotline and has been involved in self improvement and New Age thinking since childhood. He is excited about sharing these ideas with you and helping people achieve their individual level of prosperity and fulfillment.

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