Naturally Lose Fat Stomach

1st January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People who are obese are already at a disadvantage in terms of health risks but it would be worse if they have a fat stomach. Extra fat that is positioned around the belly area which is also referred to as intra-abdominal or visceral fat, is actually more dangerous compared to the fat that is lying around the thighs and butt area. Fat stomach can cause high blood pressure, which is also a result of high cholesterol levels thus, it is important to lose fat stomach. It can also cause high blood sugar levels, insulin resistance syndrome, as well as heart disease.

Do you really want to effectively lose fat stomach? The fact that you are reading this article tells that you are indeed serious about getting healthy and losing that stubborn stomach fat. But before you can properly address the issue, it is significant to be aware of how fat belly is formed.

To explain how and where the body stores extra fat is quite a complicated task for anyone. Several factors are at play here specifically gender, age, and genetic makeup. Men usually tend to store fat around their midsection. Women, on the other hand, store fat around their pelvic region, thus the pear shaped appearance. This situation is primarily caused by an unhealthy eating lifestyle where food choice is based on taste and availability and not nutritional value. A diet that is primarily consisting of junk foods and fast foods such as hamburgers, pizza, and ice cream is the culprit of why there are so many people who are obese nowadays.

Stress is also the main culprit of being obese. Certain studies report that abdominal fat is caused by stress. Cortisol, a stress hormone, is high when you are stressed, and this appears to stimulate fat storage around your midsection. The more you feel stressed, the more likely that fat stored in your belly. In order to lose fat stomach effectively, you have to learn how to deal with the daily stress in your life too.

So how to lose fat stomach effectively? If you are prone to storing fat around your midsection, then you really have to be serious about maintaining a normal weight based on your age and height. One of the best ways to maintain normal weight is to have a regular exercise and proper diet. You can also opt for smart snacking as a diet option. In this method, you are going to eat small meals six times a day, three hours interval. By matching your intake of calories with your calorie needs, you can prevent weight gain and the development of any excess fat.

Looking for natural ways to lose fat tummy? Check out my article and start your journey to a lean and sexy body by learning how to lose fat stomach naturally.

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Posted on: January 1, 2011

Filed under: Nutrition

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