The DePuy Hip Replacement Recall Gives No Guarantees To People

1st January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People who have been affected by hip disorders have made DePuy Orthopaedics to produce millions of hip replacement implants. If only this manufacturer did not release a defective hip implant, this would have been a profitable move for them.

Last August 2010, a DePuy hip recall happened because it has been found out that a lot of hip implants manufactured by DePuy from July 2003 were faulty. A lot of people who are using these hip implants were complaining of experiencing complications. A hip revision surgery is advised to improve the condition of those people who are suffering from complications. In cases like these, we wish that manufacturers provide warranties for their product. In the case of DePuy, they guaranteed that their hip implant would last up to fifteen years. The warranty would have come in handy considering that it went bad despite using it for only five years.

The most important thing to do right now is to seek medical advice for people who are experiencing complications. Do you know that heart problems can result from DePuy’s recalled hip implants?

In the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Dr. Stephen S. Tower wrote about heart problems as caused by increased cobalt level in the blood. A connection with the recalled implants is a characteristic of this news because the implants contain cobalt. A hip implant user can suffer from heart problems due to an increased amount of cobalt in the blood. The cobalt can be released into the blood by metal components rubbing into each other. The releasing of metal into the blood is only natural for people who have used metal hip implants but it is much higher when the hip implants you are using are defective.

Since this has been caused by irresponsibility from a manufacturer, it is only right to file a lawsuit against them. It is best that you look for a trusted hip replacement lawyer to help you file a case against DePuy.

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Posted on: January 1, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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