Popular All-Natural Solutions for Migraine Pain Sufferers

30th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Everyone who struggles with frequent migraine pain realizes how agonizing and intolerable they can be. These headaches might continue anywhere from a few short hours to a couple of days if no kind of treatment is employed. The headache might additionally be accompanied by more conditions which include vomiting, sensitivity to sound and light, nausea, and mental confusion. Researchers haven’t been able to determine the exact cause of migraine headaches as the signs, source and seriousness differs amongst individuals. Reports have indicated that the illness could be hereditary and that it is neurological and thought to be affected by changes in the serotonin and dopamine levels of the brain.

Migraine Pain Management

There is no sure cure for headaches, so most medicines are either defensive in form or minimize the discomfort caused by the headache. There are a number of prescription, over-the-counter and natural medicines that exist, however the usefulness of these medicines also contrast by individual, source, and the gravity of the headache. Several of the more common forms of over-the-counter medicines can be helpful for individuals who get only occasional migraines or migraines that are less severe in nature and consist of naproxen, ibuprofen, aspirin, and ketoprofen. For habitual migraine headache patients, doctors will typically suggest more than one type of medication. They might suggest a defensive form of medication on top of a pain reliever. Most of the more common medications are in the form of anti-depressants, beta-blockers, anti-convulsants and calcium channel blockers.

Natural Migraine Pain Remedies

New research and studies have suggested that natural medicines for migraine headache relief have been demonstrated to be helpful as they usually handle the condition at the source. Researchers have suggested that the herb Feverfew, if taken on a reglar basis, dramatically decreased both the frequency and strength of severe migraines.

Studies have also shown that several other all natural medications are viable treatments as long as the source of the migraine headache is found. Some incidents of migraine pain have been found to start in the liver as a reaction to food and environmental contaminants. In these situations, Milk Thistle, an herb typically taken as a liver tonic, has been proven to be an effective treatment in most patients. Migraine headaches can also be brought on by trauma, manic depression and anxiety. In these situations, the herb Passiflora can be taken to decrease or eliminate these causes, consequently acting as a defensive remedy for migraine headaches. Other types of migraines have been shown to be affected by changes in hormone levels (dopamine and serotonin, as stated previously) and both Don Quai and Black Cohosh are herbs used to preserve natural levels of these and other hormones. An additional typical source of migraine pain is strain in the nervous system and muscles which frequently lead to the pounding pain that is commonly experienced by migraine patients. In these circumstances, herbs including Mag Phos, Kali Phos and Chamomilla can be used to soothe the nerves and decrease muscle stiffness.

The leading value of taking an all natural treatment is that it is a safe means and can be used without fear of triggering harmful side effects that are common in a great number of the prescription drugs that are generally recommended by doctors. In instances where the origin of the headaches is uncertain, evaluating another herbal remedy for each occurrence can be used to help establish the source of the pain and simultaneously, enhancing overall wellness. Frequent migraine headache patients who have been unable to get relief using prescription and over-the-counter drugs, might now get the relief they have been seeking by trying suitable treatments using homeopathic remedies for migraines and herbal treatments that contain these curative herbs.

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