Define Pesonal Development…Hmmm? What Is The Best Way To Define Personal Development?

28th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Would you define personal development like Wikipedia does “a process of individual self-development and the development of others. For a person this can mean what your plans, goals, and dreams are and the action you are taking to get there:

– improving self-awareness
– improve knowledge of yourself
– building or renewing identity
– develop your God given strengths and talents
– identifying your potential
– build your human capital
– enhance lifestyle
– fulfill aspirations
– execute personal development plans
– improving [social abilities]

Or might you define it like Aristotle “as a category of phronesis or practical wisdom, where the practice of virtues (arête) leads to eudaimonia,[6] commonly translated as “happiness” but more accurately understood as “human flourishing” or “living well”

Honestly I bet the answer is neither of these. Honestly though it is up to your own personal view on the subject. One person might have the goal of going back to school. Then another person might be trying to conquer a fear of flying or spiders. Neither of these two people is wrong though because personal development means that it is up to you as a person what you are going to get out of life.

What you need to do is to sit down and get yourself a personal development plan and then more importantly stick with it. . I tend to jump from one thing to the next without really mastering one thing.

Also along with your goals you need to set yourself A REALISTIC time-table. Make sure you do not try and push yourself to far to fast because most people that do this tend to lose confidence and then they totally stop. I’m sure we have all heard of the story of the tortoise and the hare and the term “slow and steady wins the race.”

Regardless of how you define personal development once you get started it gets easier as you go, but change, especially real significant change, takes time and inner strength so stay focused. Make sure that you keep your eye on what you are shooting for and you will come out better on the other side. The definition is not important what is important is what you do with it.

If you want to find out more information about how I Define Personal Development visit my site for more Personal Development help

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