The New Home Gym

22nd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For anybody who has paid attention to television advertising, advertising on the internet or the flyers that fill our newspapers, it is hard not to notice the importance of video games in our society today and many people are aware of the game consoles like the Nintendo Wii, the Playstation Move or with the recent xbox 360 kinect release date the new Xbox 360 Kinect. Motion gaming is here. Young and old alike are picking up the consoles and getting involved.

The good part of this new fad is that it requires physical activity. This has opened up a market for exercise games for the consoles. The idea behind these types of games is to help a person get regular physical activity. For many of us, it is the only way for us to get physical activity. Many people who have led sedentary lifestyles are picking up these games. For people who do not want their children staring at a screen too much, they can at least get them moving around while they are in front of the screen. Kids need to get up and move around and this is a way that a parent can get them to do it. The young are not alone in receiving benefits from motion gaming. The older generation is finding ways to get fit using these platforms also. It is one way that people are able to get exercise without spending a lot of money.

The cost of a gaming system like the xbox 360 kinect can run a few hundred dollars which when compared to the monthly cost of joining a gym can seem considerable cheaper and is also something that a person might find more useful because they do not have to leave their home to do their workout. That is one of the advantages of using motion gaming for fitness. Getting to a fitness club can be difficult. It allows a person to exercise without having to leave the house. You are not alone when you exercise at a spa. Gyms that are full of well built and thin people are not a place for someone who is not happy with the way that they look. If you can exercise in private, it is not a proble.

Most of the fitness clubs are not designed for kids. A workout at home can include everyone in the home at the same time. It is possible to create workouts that can benefit everyone in the home. A person can adjust it to fit their own needs.

Because the gaming systems are like computers they can do many things. It is possible to design a exercise plan for each person. Each person can decide what they want to accomplish. How much a person weighs, how much they exercise, and other things are stored for each user. It is almost like the games are a personal trainer for the user. Just like a personal trainer, the games can guide a person towards the right choices. There is a competitive part to these titles. They are designed to be enjoyable. People will use them more if they are entertaining.

There are some downsides to the new consoles. A person will have to spend some money in the beginning. If a person is already in shape and is trying to train for something more, they might not be very helpful. The titles that are available are not perfect. They are designed for a broad market. They want to make as much money as they can. The games also can not get a person into shape that does not make the right choices. Physical activity is one part of losing weight and a person must follow a proper diet. You cannot get into shape only doing one of the two.

More people than ever are turning to the new gaming consoles. There must be something that is enticing people to play them. A person should join the crowd if they have not already done so.

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