Silver Hydrosol Will Positively Effect Your Body In A Lot Of Ways

21st December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As the number one selling colloidal silver product on the market, Sovereign Silver is building on hundreds of years of tradition. Silver has long been known for its antiseptic properties and it has been regularly used in alternative medicine for years. The production of colloidal silver involves suspending tiny particles of silver in a liquid. Many years ago, Sovereign Silver was used internally to kill harmful bacteria and treat various diseases.

The colloidal form of silver is often prescribed by today’s practitioners of internal medicine. It serves as a supplement, provides relief, and treats various medical conditions and diseases. Cancer patients, diabetics, and those suffering from AIDS have taken silver in order to treat their conditions. Others who wish to ward off such diseases swear by silver’s preventative qualities.

Colloidal silver has gotten a bad name due to manufacturers who produce silver products that are contaminated by proteins, salts, and compounds that diminish silver’s bioactivity and potentially render it toxic. Sovereign Silver and its professional brand Argentyn 23 is the most pure and refined colloidal silver and should not be confused with its low-quality competitors. The product is bottled in glass as opposed to the plastic alternative that can contaminate silver products when the silver ions react with the plastic.

In the past, some silver has been known to turn the skin a bluish color, a condition called Argyria. However, Sovereign Silver is guaranteed not to do so and this promise is backed by a representative from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is the only silver hydrosol on the market that is supported by this statement.

This colloidal silver product includes 96 percent actively charged particles and the smallest average particle sizes available. The only ingredients in the product are silver and water. The silver is 99.99 percent pure and is present in a very small quantity. The water is high-quality medical grade and the combination of the two ingredients results in a clear and almost tasteless liquid.

There are various uses for this silver hydrosol and all claim to yield beneficial results. Take the liquid once daily in order to maintain the body’s systems or up the dosage to three times per day in order to build immunity. Those desiring immunity support over the long term can take five servings per day. The dosage is one teaspoon of liquid held under the tongue for 30 seconds then swallowed.

In addition to the liquid, the manufacturer has created a homeopathic first aid gel made from silver. The gel serves as a skin infection fighter and it calms minor inflammations of the skin. In addition, it can reduce topical pain and help the skin to heal. The silver first aid gel can serve as a replacement for antiseptics, burn treatments, and rash fighters.

Sovereign Silver Hydrosol and silver first aid gel products are recommended to help the body’s immune system defend itself against attack. Alternative medical practitioners have long held colloidal silver sovereign in high regard for its therapeutic properties and these Garden of Life products build on that tradition. Use this product to help maintain a healthy system and ward off infection and disease.

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