3 Proven Tips To Improve Self Worth In The Place Of Work

19th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Thinking of ways to improve your bottom line and invest in your continued success can take some creativity. Actively working to build the self esteem for those who work for you is one such approach. There are so many positive benefits you can receive from doing this. People become better workers when they are happy in their personal lives. Because happier people also tend to be healthier, you will receive many benefits that way, as well. The following tips will help you as you strive to help improve the self esteem of your employees.

You, as either the owner or a person within senior management, have no idea how important it is for people to feel you are accessible. They also need to know that you are willing to listen to them. By establishing an open door policy and letting your workers know that they can talk to you, you are helping them in many ways. Doing this lets your workers know that what they think and say has value to you. Everyone wants to have that feeling, and it’s important to a person’s self esteem when they know someone relatively important is willing to listen.

A person’s self esteem is often directly impacted by how well other’s accept them. We all know what it feels like to not have that; to actually be rejected by someone in many different situations. What you as the head of your business, or organization, can do is let it be known that you accept others despite reasonable faults. We all know that there are some faults that will need to not be accepted. However, you can demonstrate a positive impression by showing that you understand people have faults, including you, yet it’s ok and it is something that can be worked with.

In a work setting especially, everyone wants to feel appreciated for what they do. Millions of people don’t feel they are appreciated at work, especially in the US. Worker dissatisfaction is probably at an all time high. Don’t ever think that you won’t see rewards in terms of better effort and productivity, if people could feel better about their work. Consider setting up a program that allows your employees to know that you and the entire management team appreciate all their hard work.

There are many things you can do to help improve self esteem in your business as the head of the organization. This is a wise investment to make in your business but it isn’t an overnight project. You can increase your bottom line, improve employee retention rate, and actually realize a positive ROI. Planning well and implementing an organized strategy is the best way to get started.

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