Do Not Be The Only One Without A Motion Controlled Video Game

16th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you are like a lot of people, your home has one of the new game platforms in it. It is common knowledge that there are many people who are overweight. But ever since the emergence of the Nintendo Wii things have been changing. People are playing these gaming consoles as a way to help them get fit. With the upcoming xbox 360 kinect release date there are signs that, with the help of gaming systems, some of us might be making progress against the problem of obesity and more people are getting up off their sofas to play this new wave of video games that have flooded the market

This is a new concept. Instead of buying first person shooter games that were all the rage in the past, people are turning to games that will get them in shape. Companies that make the game are aware of the trend. More fitness games are in stores or on the way. Well known people are lending their names too the titles. It has not escaped the eyes of personal trainers either. No one says fitness games will solve the nation’s obesity problem. The desire for the games to do some good is there. Being able to find a way for someone to get some physical activity is a good result.

People who use consoles like the Nintendo Wii and the xbox 360 kinect certainly move around and in the fitness games users are invited to try yoga, strength exercises, aerobic activities and balance games while stepping and gyrating around their house while following an on-screen trainer and also keeping track of how users are toning their bodies, improving posture and balance and burning calories.
There is the question of how effective the games are. For people who have been inactive, there is a good chance they can see improvements. And the game may inspire some to join real yoga classes or jog outside. Even fitness professionals have found some use for fitness games. Retirement homes are one of the locations that have had people benefit from these devices as they are used for the elderly.
Of course, any exercise program can cause injury. Video games are no exception. The light game workouts are not a substitute for more rigorous activities. The feedback from a video game is not always as good as a personal trainer can provide a person. it is important for a person to have an complete fitness program that includes the video gaming system.
The degree of difficulty of the exercise games varies greatly. There are some games that are much more demanding than others. There does not seem to an end to their creativity. The market for fitness games is growing every day. Manufacturers seem to have a lot more tricks up their sleeves to help get a person moving. There does not seem to be many limits as to what these consoles can do.
The next generation will be able to keep a more accurate record of the workouts that a person does. By combining the power of the internet with the platforms a person can exercise with others without going to a fitness club.
It is important for families to get involved in this craze. Kids and adults can use these games together to create new bonds. For children it is a good way to get them moving. It will lead to a healthier generation. The key is to create a balance. Do not forget about traditional physical activity. Everyone should schedule this type of activity. When you can not get outside to move around though, turn to a gaming console. The best games to play are the ones that allow you to workout without knowing that you are working out.

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