What Is Gynecomastia And How You Can Abolish Those Male Breasts

12th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Were you ever surprised that some men seem to have male breasts? Well there’s a real disorder that results to such and it is termed “gynecomastia”. The condition is nothing serious and can be treated by a lifestyle adjustment that integrates a well-balanced diet and regular exercise to eliminate such a discomforting condition.

When there is a certain imbalance of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen, the male body begin to grow mammary glands. When testosterone levels are lower in some men, they have the propensity to develop male breasts due to the existence of elevated estrogen levels, which is essentially a female hormone but is found in diminutive amounts among all men.

It is recommended to visit a doctor if you suppose you are developing male boobs. A medical expert should exclude the existence of a tumor and he can pinpoint testosterone and estrogen levels in your blood. Although most cases of gynecomastia can be cured, severe cases will require hormonal treatments andprobably a breast reduction.

It will help you to read more about gynecomastia and realize that there are options available for you: man boobs

Your main course of treatment will generally involve raising your body’s testosterone level. A greater release in testosterone will remarkably reduce your mammary glands, and shrivel the size of the male breasts.

A healthy diet is essential to providing a cure for gynecomastia. When men have more fat in their bodies, they are more prone to release decreased testosterone. Anything you can do to shed unessential fat will result in the body’s improved production of this valuable hormone. A diet rich in natural foods such as fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meats will allow you to eliminate the excess fat.

Taking smaller portions more frequently will help accelerate your metabolism, which is essential in losing unwanted body fat. You get to use up more energy and burn extra fat when your metabolism is at elevated levels.

Engage in aerobic and cardio training as these are great for burning more calories. When you are physically active, you can get rid of the stored fat quite easily. Not just that, but you will also enhance your metabolism rate consistently AFTER exercising. This will result in excess fat being shed from your body, and thus lessening your body fat percentage.

Lift weights. One foolproof way to improve your testosterone production is by building muscles. Building muscle tissue contributes much to improved testosterone levels.

Although it isn’t really an elaborate method, there is still work needed in getting rid of your man boobs. You will not attain your aim of eliminating those man boobs if you take on just part of the process. To effectively eliminate those male boobs, you need to watch what you eat and stick to a regular physical program focusing on losing weight and muscle development.

To match your diet and exercise routine and be free from those moobs once and for all, you should consider checking out ultimate gynemax review.

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Posted on: December 12, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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