Coffee May Lower The Risk Of Oral Cancer

8th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Coffee enthusiasts have been given one more good reason to celebrate because according to a recent research, people who drank coffee every day have been found to be 39 per cent less likely to acquire oral and pharynx cancers than those who are coffee snobs. Wanting for another reason why you should have coffee? Let it be Jura Capresso Ena 3 this time. It can make you an instant coffee that’s aromatic and excellent.

The research, done in the US and released by the American Association for Cancer Research, was the results of the analysis of nine previous studies about coffee and cancers link which were collected by the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology association. It follows similar study made by experts in Japan, who monitored the drinking habits of patients for 13 years. They then found that people who drank at least one cup of coffee a day were much less likely at risk of getting tumors than those who irregularly drank coffee.

The results were published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Mia Hashibe, the research leader working at the University of Utah as an assistant professor in the department of family and preventive medicine, claimed that the research they made is more powerful and effective in determining an association between coffee and cancer as it was based on the data also used in a lot of studies. Speaking of power, grab your very own Jura Ena 3 so you can start enjoying a much better an powerful coffee.

Coffee has been denounced ever since for its harmful effects. There was a claim in 2007 that women drinking four or more cups a day of coffee have higher chance of damaging their own chances of conceiving. While pregnant people who are drinking 2 cups of coffee every day are believed to be in danger of having sale babies. But despite all these unhealthy thoughts about coffee, a lot of studies have started coming out, to coffee’s defense, showing its many benefits. Other research recently released have also suggested that coffee help prevent other cancers, such as prostate cancer, brain tumors and liver cancers. There are also claims that it can protect a person against memory lost and combat depression. So start looking at the brighter of sipping coffee. Check out Coffee Makers for your coffee machine queries.

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