Top Tips Make Life Faster in the Kitchen

7th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The kitchen is normally called the heart of your home but to the creative cook, it’s a lot more like a studio where artistry occurs. Whether it is keeping foods fresh or choosing the correct gadgets for tasty cooking, a kitchen is really a place where art and love combine in incredible dishes.

Here are some of the most popular kitchen ideas from cooks anywhere. Some of them might be familiar, but good items always bear repeating. From “kitchen witches” to keep pots from boiling over to storing potatoes, apples and onions, every cook needs a very little assistance now and then.

* While the budget is tight as well as the milk is past its expiration date, add a pinch of salt to the milk and it will keep longer. Salt will slow the rate of bacteria growth that sours milk.

* Store brown sugar in the freezer and it will not harden. If it already has, however, give it a short zap in the measuring cup inside the microwave oven. Just a few seconds should warm up the molasses in the sugar and make it soften. Be careful not to burn the sugar, though.

* Wild rice will keep three to four months if frozen. Preserved in the refrigerator, wild rice will last just about a week.

* While a whole can of tomato paste is too much for the recipe, try this trick: Spoon the leftover paste onto a piece of waxed paper (not plastic-type cover!). Top this with another sheet of waxed paper and freeze it. When frozen, peel off the waxed paper and store in the plastic-type bag in the freezer. Smaller quantities of tomato paste are now obtainable without waste. Another option is to store small quantity of tomato paste in the ice tray and pop them out as required.

* Always turn meat with tongs in the time of grilling. Using a fork pierces the meat and allows the juices to escape, causing in tough, dry meat.

* Spray plastic-type storage containers with vegetable cooking spray to maintain them from being discolored by spaghetti sauce, chili or any tomato-based sauce.

* A rapid spritz of vegetable cooking spray on the measuring spoon also makes it simple to get honey off. If you do not have cooking spray, a drop or 2 of cooking oil or perhaps a rapid rub having a dab of margarine will act as well.

* Remove burned food from the skillet by covering the bottom of the pan using water and adding a drop or 2 of dish soap. Bring this particular mixture to the boil on the stove , and burned on food must be an easy task to remove.

* Always clean the grill thoroughly before firing up the barbecue. Not only is a dirty grill unappetizing, it could harbor bacteria and will absolutely affect food’s flavor. Use both a scraper and a grill brush to remove any burned-on food, and rinse completely. In order to avoid having to do such heavy cleaning again, spray the grill with nonstick cooking spray before beginning the barbecue. Food will be much less likely to stick in this way.

Hopefully you found a few kitchen tips helpfull.

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