What Coffee Beans Should Be Like

6th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Selecting coffee beans can be confusing since there are a lot of coffee bean varieties you could choose from. It would not harm you if you would try them all to see which one suits your taste best but you have to be careful on buying them. You should be able to identify coffee beans with quality from those who don’t have.

If you don’t want to find yourself sipping a dull and bland coffee first thing in the morning, you have to identify if your coffee beans have passed the standards. Before buying coffee beans from a specialty or gourmet store, check first if they look fresh, are in good shape and smell good.

Coffee Makers would all agree attest that an excellent coffee is made out of freshly roasted and freshly grinded coffee beans. To make sure coffee beans are freshly roasted, you can directly ask the salesperson if they are indeed freshly roasted if you are in a specialty shop. If you are just buying from a supermarket, you can see the packaging date of the coffee beans beneath their coffee bags.

At home, you can grind the coffee beans yourself, that is if you have a coffee maker like Jura Capresso Z7 Espresso Machine which has a built in grinder. If you don’t have a grinder at home, you are stuck with pre-ground coffee. To ensure pre-ground’s freshness, check the packaging date of it. There should be a one-way valve in every packaging. This will let carbon dioxide and coffee gasses get out of the bag but will keep the air from coming in. Beans that fresh look shiny and are in good shape. Substandard coffee beans can be easily spotted because they are the ones which have broken off edges or splinters in the beans. If the beans smell good and look appetizing, then you are good to go.

When you have decided which beans to buy, make sure you’d keep them in air-tight container so they can maintain their freshness. Don’t grind them if you are not going to use them yet. Speaking of grinding, only the coffee machine which has grinder can do it, like Jura Capresso Z7 Espresso Machine, if your coffee maker can’t do it, it is about time you replace it with a better and more reliable one.

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