Losing Weight During Festive Times

3rd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is possible to watch what you eat even when everyone is throwing a party around you. There are several things a person can do that will help them choose the right things to eat despite the time of year that it is.

Holidays are something that most of us anticipate throughout the year. We look forward to the buffets that we will face. There are many traditions that are strictly followed by families at this time of year. We cherish Mom’s cranberry and raisin stuffing. When we are not at home we are presented with food as gifts by people we work with and friends that we visit during the holidays. Our mind races with the anticipation of these goodies.
But this year the season holds dread, not delight because all of our usual favorites are definitely off the menu and we are worried about how to lose weight fast without exercise since we will not have the time to do anything except worrying about how to enjoy your holiday meal without packing on the pounds. Here are a few suggestions for sticking to your diet.
We all enjoy eating on the boss’ dime. Cooking for large groups is also a popular pastime. They’re long held workplace traditions. The problem is that they cause us to overindulge. We order lobster to get even for the raise that was denied. Why get the salad with fat free dressing when someone else is paying? It is hard to say no to a coworker who has spent their time making a dessert for everyone to share and many people can not say no. A person will find some way to convince themselves that they are not doing anything wrong. Do not use the excuses. Fill yourself up before you enter the event with something that is low fat. Hang out at the salad bar. Skip the drinking at the party. You do not have to hide the fact that you are eating healthier things when someone questions you. She’ll probably understand.
You are responsible for the foods that you eat and not the people who are around you. Let people know that you are eating healthier than you have in the past. There is no rule that says you have to have a taste of everything that is on the table. You’ve just changed your eating habits. Remind your family you want to be around for many more Thanksgiving Day dinners and do not want to worry about having to find out how to lose weight fast without exercise and pills once the holidays are over because you step on the scale and the number is much higher than you expected.
There are probably different people that you know that are looking to lose a few pounds also. Seek these people out to come up with a unified plan. Explain what you have cooked to all the guests. Don’t expect the entire family to throw out the traditional dinner and go vegan overnight. You should not avoid being around everyone because you are scared of facing the food. It is a time for people to spend with each other every year. It would be a shame to miss it.
Post an positive message on the bathroom mirror. Put up a picture of what you looked like before you started dieting. Turn to a friend to help you through the rough times. Remind one another to stay the course. A person needs to find support. You’re more vulnerable to straying if you diet solo. Christmas time is not the time to ruin your diet plan.
Keeping to a diet is difficult and the holiday season makes it nearly impossible but that does not mean you should eat anything you want and then try to learn how to lose weight fast at home in a week at the start of the new year and instead remember what your final goal will bring: health, wellness, and an improved you. Think about how important it is for you to stay healthy and why you wanted to get that way in the first place. There are many more Christmases in your future that you want to be around for.

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