Finding Good Diet Foods that Taste Great

18th February, 2008 - Posted by healthy - No Comments

So you want to improve your health by incorporating good nutrition into your diet – great! But how do you find good diet foods that actually taste great and fill you up? Here are some healthy eating tips to get you started:

Start in the produce aisle at your local grocery store.

healthy vegetablesFruits and vegetables are the original fast food. Grab an apple or banana for a healthy snack that can go anywhere. Have you tried the already washed baby carrots? Talk about convenient! You can also find a variety of produce items already cut up and ready to eat. These are helpful because they not only remove a barrier to eating well (washing and cutting up the food) but they also can be found in individual sized portions. And of course there are the bagged salads – perfect for popping on a plate with some chicken and dressing for a ready-to-eat nutritious lunch.

Look for local farmer’s markets.

A local farmer’s market is a great way to get fruits and veggies grown locally – and they’re often organic. Usually you can save a lot of money on your fruits and veggies and often find they taste better too!

Make your veggies taste good.

So many people make excuses for not eating healthy foods – including a dislike for their taste. Who says you have to eat everything plain? Don’t be afraid to brush fresh vegetable with some olive oil before cooking. You’ll get plenty of vitamins and heart-healthy oil too.

Incorporate beans into your diet.

Beans are a wonderful addition to your healthy eating plan. Include them in soups, salads and combine with brown rice for tasty and healthy diet dishes. Black, kidney and pinto beans are all delicious and provide a large percentage of much needed fiber to your diet.

Don’t forget the lean protein.

Lean chicken breast is one of the best foods to include in your diet. It goes will with nearly everything and can be seasoned in numerous ways. Also consider adding fish and egg whites to your healthy eating plan.

Whole grains and low fat dairy round out the plate.

Most if not all of the grains in your diet plan should be whole. Avoid foods containing white flour, sugar and salt as much as possible. For well-rounded health, be sure to get in a couple servings of low-fat dairy such as skim milk or yogurt.

By focusing on eating healthy foods, you’ll be less inclined to indulge on the less healthy stuff. And remember, incorporating good diet foods into your daily nutrition plan will get you closer to your overall fitness goals. The trick is to remain consistent with your plan.

Posted on: February 18, 2008

Filed under: Nutrition

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