Should You Diet During Christmas

25th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For many of us the holiday season is a time for celebration. The buffets that are placed out at this time of the year are loaded with problems. Most of us put off making any plans to diet or exercise until our New Year’s resolution but rather than limiting what we eat during the holidays a little bit and following a sensible diet plan for the new year we turn to tricks and gimmicks and try to find out how to lose weight fast without exercise and pills or through some other special method that does not require effort and will probably fail. There is nothing good that comes out of procrastinating and it should not be done.

1. Food is an essential part of the celebrations at this time of year and it is often hard to make the right choices. Think about it, most of us are making New Year’s resolutions because we ate and partied so much during the holiday season, so just think if we start watching what we eat during the holidays we will get the jump on the New Year, and may not even have to find a plan that shows us ho9w to lose weight fast.

2. It is much easier to deal with the pounds that are added if you look at them in the larger perspective of how much you have gained or lost since the last holiday season. A person should not worry if they have one bad week. Make some adjustments so that over the whole month your weight remains about the same. Good weight loss plans do not occur during a one week time. Realize that this time of year you will have ups and downs but the important part is the average.

3. Are we really going to be more satisfied eating 20 cookies than 10? Just by cutting our consumption of deserts in half we can make a huge reduction in calories compared to previous years. And this is with still eating deserts. Just because a person is watching their weight, does not mean that they can not enjoy food. The key to healthy eating is moderation.

4. There are lots of substitutes for the high fat desserts that we are used to. Plenty of recipes are available on line that will help a person learn how to cook healthy foods. Just because something is sweet does not mean that it is high in calories. Fresh fruit can be enjoyed. It is all about making the right choices.

5. You do not have to party daily. If you eat normally during the days you don’t celebrate and don’t try to pile on extra the days you do to make up for it, this could result in a 50% reduction in calorie intake from previous holiday seasons and if you reduce the calories you take in over the holidays you will not be searching the internet to find out how to lose weight fast without exercise once the holidays are over and you step on the scale to see how much you have gained.

6. For people who really want to make a difference in the way that they look and feel they are going to have to do something during the Christmas season at some point. Why delay what you need to learn?

7. Think of how good you’ll feel about yourself as you are making healthier choices then the people around you. It is possible to do once you are able to convince yourself o the importance of it.

If you recognize you need to do something about your diet, no is the time to implement your plan.

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