Why A Cleansing Diet Can Make You Feel Worse

17th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As the weather gets warmer people start to worry. Scores of otherwise health conscious citizens subject themselves to deprivation diets, or look to a detox diet, or start an intense exercise regimen, often in blazing hot weather, to look slimmer in revealing clothes because of the need to fit into the image that they think they must portray but instead many unwittingly end up harming their health.

Early June and January are the two times of year people do crazy, desperate things to get thin fast so they go on fasts, yo-yo diets, detox diets, and ‘cleanses’ without realizing that there are serious consequences to weight loss and nutrient restriction and they do not realize that crash dieting does not work and can be dangerous because of a message that gets lost in the national clamor over rising rates of overweight and obesity. It is important to know what you are getting into when you are considering a detox plan.

You can damage your cardiac system with a detox plan. When a person is using a cleansing system they think they are doing something that the body is not capable of doing on its own. If a person is not getting enough fuel their body can go into a conservation mode and actually use less energy. Instead of losing the pounds a person can actually add them. Another issue that is faced because of the restrictive diets is a person does not get enough vitamins. A crash diet once will not necessarily hurt your heart. Danger grows with the more a person uses these detox programs. Yo-yo dieting can also damage your blood vessels.

Take care if you are considering a cleansing system. There is plenty of research about the dangers of these types of programs. With the influx of media, it can be even more of a problem. There has been a plan that seemed to do an amazing job. The media told how some have lost an amazing amount in a very short time with a diet. The effect of the diet was that when it was done by a lot of people, there were reports of serious complications. Studies proved that when a person followed this diet they were damaging their heart muscles to the point that it could kill them.

There has been plenty of research about the harmful effects of these programs. The cardiac problems that are faced by detox users is possibly the result of the lack of proper nutrition that the heart needs to function properly. In addition to heart problems a person also is lacking in the amount of salt in their body and has trouble regulating their blood pressure.

The true extent of the risk posed by crash diets is unclear, however. Much of the research has been conducted in obese people and is carefully monitored. It is important to consult with a medical professional any time you are trying to lose weight. For a large group of people, the idea of checking with a medical professional is not necessary. These people are the ones who can cause their body harm.

Using a cleansing system is not always going to work for everyone. For many of these programs the dangers are not worth the benefits that they might or might not give to a person. Despite this there is a large market for them.

Getting fit and trim is not a difficult process. If you’re overweight, slimming down is critical for your overall health. Even moderate weight loss can lower your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

But it’s important to lose fat naturally, which usually means slowly as most experts recommend dropping just 1 to 2 pounds a week, and despite what some brand-name diets claim, the best way to do so is to exercise regularly and stick to a diet that limits saturated fat and sugars and emphasizes fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish, and whole grains. The process of losing weight requires a person to eat right and get physically active. That is a lifestyle that will always work.

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Posted on: November 17, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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