A Perfect Select for Smokers: The NICOCIG™ Electronic Cigarette

8th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nowadays there are just a handful places where smoking is permitted. Considering all the serious health concerns, a lot more individuals are refraining from cigarettes entirely or trying to restrict their consumption. Due to the fact that I am a smoker myself, I’m quite aware of how my peers, close friends and family actually feel about my bad habit, in particular if I’m smoking near them. Well, I’ve happened upon a small contraption that may make it much easier for individuals around me to tolerate my smoking: the NICOCIG™ electronic cigarette.

Details Regarding Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes are a good way to appreciate the impression of smoking without a single one of the dangerous and detrimental side effects. An electronic cigarette is a smart instrument that gives a calculated dose of nicotine when you draw on it. It has an authentic look and can be used anywhere, because all the user blows out is a harmless haze comprised of water and excess nicotine. The volume of nicotine expelled is decided by the smoker via cartridges of varying strengths.

Concerning Nicotine and Electronic Cigarettes

Now, we all know that nicotine is an addictive ingredient that creates uncomfortable craving if withheld. Nevertheless did you realise that present studies have found that nicotine is not dangerous in regular doses? I’ve learned that it’s the other chemicals in tobacco cigarettes that are genuinely harmful. Below is a rundown of those elements and their effects.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

It is a poisonous gas that basically cuts off your air by clinging to the haemoglobin in your blood and hindering the carrying of oxygen to the body’s critical organs and cells. For expectant women, smoking is predominantly dangerous because it can cause a severe oxygen deficit in the foetus. This is referred to as foetal hypoxia and is believed to explain a whole host of medical difficulties in an unborn baby which could extend far into its existence after birth. One such issue is low birth weight.

In Reference to Tar

Tar is a sticky black chemical that gathers up in the smokers’ lungs. Tar is recognized to have cancer-causing constituents referred to as carcinogens which enable the growth of cancer.

Electronic Cigarette – Facts on Oxidant Gases

These are gases which act in response chemically with oxygen. Their impact is to raise the clotting properties of your blood far beyond what is medically needed. The net result is an elevated risk of stroke or heart attack as a result of clots.

Electronic Cigarette – Other Deleterious Consequences

It’s recognized that tobacco smoke may increase the bitterness of stomach acid, adding to the chance of acquiring peptic ulcers in the stomach or small intestine. Tobacco use furthermore contributes to fatty disintegration and coagulation of the arteries, chief hazard elements for heart attacks along with heart disease.

Electronic Cigarette – Electronic Cigarettes Are A Lot Less Costly, Also

If you are tired of investing hard-earned money to get all the bad side effects of tobacco, then you really must realise that each individual NICOCIG™ electronic cigarette cartridge is equal to around 8 to 10 normal cigarettes and may be up to 75% cheaper. If one ever had a reason to switch over, you’ve found it!

If you want to discover additional information regarding how to attain and incorporate an electronic cigarette to shun many of the hazards of tobacco, please visit www. nicocig.co.uk.

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