Easy Steps To Have Healthy Eyes

3rd November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is so much that you can learn about a person just by looking at his eyes. The old saying that the eyes is like a window to the soul can be actually true. Especially in a health related point of view. A healthy person always have a pair of very healthy eyes. Now whether his eyes are in top form because he eats good food or conduct eye exercises is another matter. But what is important is that our well being is very much dictated by how our eyes look, whether it is bloodshot or as clear as it can be.

Do you know anybody who is completely blind? Have you ever imagined yourself going blind and not seeing the beautiful world around you? We should always be grateful that we have the ability to see and that our eyes are working perfectly, allowing us to do the things that we love to do day in and day out. That is why it is necessary that we should always take good care of our eyes and to never take them for granted.

So if you want to maintain your healthy eyes, here are some tips that you can follow.

Taking vitamin A should become a routine for you because it can help prevent such nasty eye conditions like night blindness While taking supplements is a good option, it would still be better if you take your regular vitamin A supply from natural food. Vegetables like celery and carrot are rich in vitamin A and also tastes good. Adding these vegetables to your diet is easy as there are many dishes that contain these in the ingredients.

Go green, as natural as you can get. Green vegetables will always be the most healthy food that you can eat. They contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are not only good for your eyes, but for the rest of your body as well. Choose vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and other dark green in color because these contain high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants are great in getting rid of free radicals which can cause harm to our cells. Your eyes will therefore benefit from such a diet.

There are other foods that are rich in substances that are excellent in fighting off the free radicals and these are high in selenium and zinc. Some of the foods that you should be eating are rice, milk, tuna and nuts just to name a few. In case you have an allergy to any of these foods, you can always take supplements.

You should do an eye exercise every 30 minutes to an hour of continuous work, especially if your job requires you to stare at a computer monitor for a prolonged period of time. You can start simply by looking up and down and sideways for a number of times or just looking at a relaxing view to avoid getting eye strain. Doing these exercises and others more often will help relieve not only strain, but also stress.

And lastly, never forget to take a break when you need it. Relax your eyes every now and then. If you are doing a lot of reading or using the computer, sit back and close your eyes for a couple of minutes. While it might just be an extremely short break, your eyes will get fully relaxed and prepare you for the longer hours of work ahead.

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