Why You Need to Wear Orthotic Shoe Inserts If You Have Metatarsalgia

31st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How Shoes Can Cause Ball Of Foot Pain

A fashionable pair of stiletto heels are just about the most sought-after items for a woman’s closet. Consequently, high-heeled shoes have turned into a stand-alone fashion statement on their own. Unfortunately, these styles of shoes can cause an array of issues in our beloved feet. Common ones are ball of foot pain, hammertoes, bunions, and arch support issues. As expected, the University of Maryland reported that uncomfortable shoes, especially those with a heightened heel, can both irritate and cause foot and toe issues. Men also have to be concerned with the dangers of uncomfortable shoes. Ill-fitting boots for woking or shoes worn to the office can be of particular concern For both sexes, physical activities and sports can be a main factor in foot discomfort.

Why Poorly-Fitting Shoes Can Cause Ball Of Foot Pain

High heels cause the foot to be pushed forward and onto the ball of the foot. This shifts more pressure onto the front of the foot rather than evenly spreading weight over the full foot. A combination of bad cushioning and excessive pressure can cause major foot discomfort. Muscles and fat in the pads of the feet, including the heels and ball of the foot, also help cushion the foot. However, the foot can’t carry out this by itself. Cushioning and arch support in the shoes help to rebalance weight and absorb the energy of activities such as walking, running, jumping, and heavy lifting. Thus, it is very important to purchase shoes with excellent arch support and cushioning.

Rigid shoes are another major cause of painful feet for males and females. In women, shoes that are too tight, especially in the toe area, are the causes for most foot discomfort experienced. High-heeled shoes also cause issues , since they fail to give feet adequate arch support, another main factor in painful foot conditions. For guys, stiff working shoes can bring on definite sets of challenges. Arch support and cushioning are missing in these styles of shoes, so they are bad choices for everyday footwear. The Mayo Clinic cites that poor choice in shoes can cause flat feet to develop, especially during heavy lifting or repetitive motion such as jumping or running.

Why You May Need Orthotic Shoe Inserts if You Experience Ball Of Foot Pain

An effective solution to relieving ball of foot pain and poor arch support is through the use of orthotic arch supports. These are not regular shoe inserts found at the local drug store. There are even some made especially for high heels. They provide the vital cushioning and structure for feet so they can enhance your performance and stay free of discomfort.

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