Lower Back Pain: Not Knowing An Existing Injury Can Aggravate The Condition

19th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Oftentimes, people are unaware of existing injuries and experience serious lower back pain and other forms of back pain. Do you have any idea why this turn out to be a problem? Well one of the obvious reasons is because if you are injured and do not know about it, then you would do things to further complicate the injury. Pain increases when this happens and can lead to conditions of bulging disc, ruptured disc, or sciatica. These conditions can be extremely uncomfortable, and make it hard to carry out everyday activities when you have to deal with it.

For you to take measures and avoid making a pre-existing injury worse, visit OCSpinalDecompression.com. The site offers many different services, which is the spinal decompression. It will be up to you to decide whether or not this type of treatment can help you out or not. However, this is something you will definitely consider since this has been extremely effective in almost all cases.

You could be putting extra strain on yourself that causes lower back pain and could even get worse. If you have a pre-existing back injury that you’re unaware of, then you may be putting extra weight on either side of it and causing imbalance. When you put an imbalance of weight on either side of your back and it is injured it will actually cause you more pain. The muscles on both sides of your spine serve as a very powerful cushion in order to help your muscles support weight. Herniated disc or disc bulge is caused by not knowing of an injury that has been causing imbalance and aggravate the condition.

Using physical therapy can help you out, and it is one of many forms of treatment offered at OCSpinalDecompression.com. Physical therapy can help you distribute weight on your legs in an equal fashion. This is very important especially when you are holding something heavy. Oftentimes, people tend to distribute weight unequally on either side of their legs because they are not aware that they are suffering from back injuries.

You will feel pain when you put weight on the weaker side of your spine. The same holds true if the other leg is weak, a physical therapist will be able to help the weaker side of your spine to become strong again. From there, you can eventually distribute weight evenly on both sides without the pain.

You need to determine the cause of the pain first, for you to treat lower back pain and other back-related problems. A physical therapist is capable in identifying the cause, may it be a disc bulge, a herniated disc, or a pinched nerve. They offer treatments that can help you in strengthening the muscles around those areas and eventually bring you back to optimal health. Physical Therapy

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